
Topic: Research/Metrics

How Is The Spam Affecting The Roi On Direct Email?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My question is related with metrics and issues that weakness the online channel: the spam, the messages with virus. People receive more and more messages everyday in profissional and personal contexts.
What is the better time of the day, or the better day of the week to do a direct mail to a prospect? Anyone has some research about it?
is direct email a good thing to do in every business?
thank you
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Conceicosta,

    Everybody seems to have a different definition of ROI so I won't touch that, but according to DoubleClick's latest email trend report, the revenue per email delivered in Q1 2004 was $0.23, which represents a decline from $0.28 in Q1 2003 but does sit within the two-year quarterly range of $0.21 to $0.29. Average order size also declined versus Q1 2003, from $105 in Q1 2003 to $92 in Q1 2004. Email productivity, expressed as click-to-conversion rate, was stable year-over-year (at 3.3% as compared to 3.5% in Q1 2003).

    The full report is available here:

    Your time of day question presents a good argument, one that has taken place here before.

    Here is a link to a study recently done:

    Basically, what it says is that email volume peaks every Wednesday between 9AM and 3PM, followed by Tuesday and Thursday, same times. So does this mean these are the best times or the worst times?

    I guess the data speaks for itself, they are obviously considered to be the "best times" by popular consensus.

    Personally, I think these can be the worst times and I always consider sending on the offpeak days and hours - it depends on the campaign.

    Simple - less competition.

    Over 72-96 hours aggregate open rates always seem to be the seem.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Conceicosta,

    If you want to reassign the points, go to the upper right of this page, the orange box that says "Community Info" and click on "Moderator Help", you will be brought to a page where you can ask the question.

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