
Topic: Taglines/Names

What Is California Consultant's Fee Range To Name A Company?

Posted by Corpcommer on 1000 Points
Hi, Friends!

Please tell me about California pricing (Orange County) for name consultants: What might be a typical fee range that a California consultant would charge to name a brick & mortar company with a web presence?

Low to high fee ranges are welcome.

Thank you everyone for your input.

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Why would it differ in California?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The range is everything from Marketing Profs Points to hundreds to thousands of dollars. Here's a list of naming consultants to peruse:
  • Posted on Member
    If your brick and mortar business already has a name/logo/business image and the web-design company is going to do a simple 'e-brochure web' about your products, about the company, etc. - the cost can vary from $4,000 - $20,000. If the web will include an e-store the cost may range from $30,000 to $300,000+, again depending on the complexity.

    If you don't have a current business brand (logo,image,etc) and want the web-designer to come up with that - add $10K-$150K (or more). So much depends on what your needs are.

    Additionally, if you wish to be found through search engines, then add even more $.

    I would suggest that you contact a couple companies, explain your needs and ask for a ballpark figure. People who in 'in the business' will be happy to answer your questions.

  • Posted on Member
    As Jay suggests, the fee range varies considerably. Feel free to contact me for a discussion of your options and a quote. I'm the leading naming consultant in Southern California (I regularly work in Orange County) and an occasional contributor to this forum. I'm also very familiar with the "naming industry" as a whole.


    Brent Scarcliff
    Scarcliff | Salvador Branding and Naming Agency
    Los Angeles, California
  • Posted on Member
    I should add to the above that fees vary based upon both the experience level of the naming consultant and your precise requirements: naming strategy, naming architecture, the style of name required, the number of decision-makers involved, and so on. Hope this helps!
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author
    Thanks to all for your comments.

    To clarify. as marketing professionals we all know that every occupation and profession has different price ranges depending on experience, location, costs, etc. I'm asking on behalf of someone else for a fee range for one piece of the pie -- only the name. The name would be used on signage, print and web domain.

    So if anyone can share their input on a fee range in Cal. for a name, I appreciate it. If not, thank you for reading.

  • Posted on Accepted
    $5,000 to $25,000, depending on the factors I mentioned above. Here's another directory:
  • Posted by phil.wesel on Accepted
    Okay what the hey I figured I would put in my two cents and you are welcome to both of them. There is no real set fee for any form of consultancy (to my knowledge at least) and as many folks have indicated fees vary tremendously.

    A great name from a consultant or from anyone for that matter should be costed based upon the benefits it provides the client. Obviously a $2m-$5m sales business can afford to pay a bit more than someone selling $200k per year. Conversely the name is of greater importance as sales volume increases because it is expected to continue to help produce those sales.

    Anyhow long and short, I would budget toward the lower end of $5k-$10k and then all the follow on activities of trademarks etc... will add cost. As an aside a good name is worth protecting as much as any other asset.

    Best of luck and if you want to vet a few there is no place like Mprofs to vet the results of your consultants work.
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author
    Thank you to everyone for contributing comments.

    Brent Scarcliff and phil.wesel -- Your suggested ranges and explanations are appreciated. Many thanks.

    All the best,


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