
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For A Web App/site

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My company developed and runs a strategic planning web-based application called MyStrategicPlan (

Using the site, organizations build a comprehensive strategic plan (getting help along the way through tutorials and videos) and then monitor implementation through emails the system periodically sends and professional reports and performance management tools within the system.

Currently, the site is marketed towards small/medium sized businesses, but we're rolling out another version targeted towards large businesses and the name MyStrategicPlan just doesn't work for them.

Here's what we need:

1. The name should be targeted towards large businesses (Fortune 1000)

2. The name should say what it does (No guess-work involved)

Don't worry about making sure the domain is available- in most cases we could alter it slightly to one that is.

Thanks for your ideas!!!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted


    By the way, market to department heads withing the larger companies. The good ones feel their team needs a strategic plan to be effective.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Strategy Planning Works
    Corporate Team Strategy Planning
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Something a little different:

    Plan Guardian
    Plan Keeper
    Strategic Plan Sentry

    Hope this helps ...

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative
  • Posted on Accepted
    Strategic Enterprise Planning

    StratiFlex- Strategic Planning Software


  • Posted on Accepted

    As it happens perhaps we could do business together. Our company also target fortune 1000 companies. Send me an email at

    The names I can think of are

  • Posted by bruce on Accepted
    All my "core" marketing instincts tell me that your focus should not necessarily be on changing your URL, but the content of your offering. You have a good site with plenty of rich content and a good product offering that would apply to all levels of small and mid market companies with Revenues of $50+ million.

    I have worked for, and with, several Fortune 500 companies, and even one Fortune 50 Corporation, and the needs of the potential user of your services have the same planning issues, be they corporate, departmental, team, or individual. Good planning software that systematically prompts conceptual thinking are an invaluable tool for any conscious or unconscious manager, regardless of company size.

    But I also see that you are segmenting your marketing strategy with other client-specific URLs, so in that vein, you may want to break down your product offering to fit Corporations by division responsibility:


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