
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Charity Music Event To Raise Money

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
A number of successful expatriates have banded together to raise money for a selected charity in their native homeland where they no longer live but still hold close to their hearts. They will pick one charity from their homeland each year and gather 1000 expats and hold a high end live music act fundraiser to raise money. Think it of a bunch of people who left their home state years ago, became successful in the biz world and now want to band together to give back to a needy group in the land they left - but still love. Need a name for the event that will have sustainability and not change year to year.
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  • Posted on Member
    See them:

    Generosity Strikes

    Music of / for Love

    Love for Thy home


  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Homeland Help
    Music To Their Ears
    Sounds For The Homeland
    Motherland Music Fest
    Instruments Of Change
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks so far - some good ones but they feel a little soft and fluffy ...this is not like a FarmAid or Tsunami event that is a 'dire' need to disaster relief - its for charities back in the home state like Children's cancer clinics, burn units, new medical equipment or even new skating parks for kids. So, the tone should feel positive, celebratory and light. This group of expats will pick a different charity each year and the event will be a 'happy celebration of music' with donations going toward the chosen cause.

    Would rather the name feel like "The Great Big Give" or "Pay in Forward" - but that isn't it.

    Thanks so far - keep em coming.
  • Posted on Member
    so many such charity events simply go bust.... not for profit sometime demands profitable strategies....the expats if any good in business should treat this big enough so after 10 years becomes a brand...put expert help and take it seriously...hand holding naming is like pulling the plug.

    free or cheap help is available but naming is too serious and these days a real make or break issue of today.

    look in any direction and most names are disaster in any industry because it felt like agood idea at that time and moment, years ahead now a libility simply sucks the project down

    net is the best place, look for the best source and shine

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Payback Playback
    It pays to play.
    Play To Pay
    Bands For The Better
    Drum Up Some Help
    Happy To Help
    Good Time To Give
    Many Happy Returns
  • Posted on Author
    wow - impressive - i think i have some good inspiration. Thanks to all so far and lets give it another 12 hours and then the awarding of points begin.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Altogether Now
    Pay Back Home
    Harmony Helpers
    Our Part Harmony
    Peace & Harmony
    Bring It On Home
    For the folks back home
    Our Turn
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all. Really happy with many of these. If there are any more suggestions I welcome them as i tempted to reward some points...last call. anyone?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    OK, there's an elephant in the room and nobody has yet asked the question...

    What is this country that is the native homeland for all these now-sucessful expatriates?

    The reason I have to ask the question is that this could be a key element in the name-creation process. Are you shy to reveal it for some reason? Why?

    Chris B

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