
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Program For Sick Kids

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am working with a nonprofit that offers year-round activities for children with serious medical conditions (cancer, heart disease, kidney disease etc) -they want to change their name to something that reflects their broad mission to enrich the lives of these kids with recreational, athletic, and social activities (they used to do only sports), but their broadening of their mission has made it harder to figure out what name to choose -also, they are a program for kids from 3-21, so they want something to appeal to a broad age range (as well as to parents, guardians, and potential funders and referral sources)- any ideas of good names would be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    I think you said it best with "Kid Enrich".
  • Posted on Member
    Play for life
    Recreation for life

  • Posted on Member
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Give 'Em A Break
    Time Out For Fun
    Bright Spots
    Patiently Fun
    Uplifting Kids
  • Posted on Accepted
    In March of this year my son Cody lost his 2-year battle with cancer, he was 13. We spent most of that time in the hospital and the brightest moments for Cody were spent in the activities room or with the activities staff. I share this bit of personal information, not so you'll feel sorry for me, but to give you some insight as a mother who has been through this experience.

    These incredible children are so full of life, even when they are at death's door. They love to laugh, be silly and live life to the fullest. The big event on the children’s ward at our hospital was water wars with needleless saline tubes.

    A name that really captures FUN will be a home run. Something that truly speaks to the children will ultimately please the parents as well; after all, the only thing they care about is their child’s comfort and happiness. Another thing you might consider, these children know they are sick and most of them try very hard to be normal and not associated with their illness. A name that normalizes them is important… Some ideas:

    Cool Kidz
    Fun Zone
    Happy Hearts

    (Ugh, I’m not very creative today… hope this insight helps!)

    : ) Jill

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