
Topic: Taglines/Names

Home Builder Looking For Catchy House Plan Names

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I'm a home builder in Des Moines Iowa. I've had a great response to one house plan that we named The Rock Star Ranch. Anyone have any ideas?
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Its good to hear from a fellow Iowan....

    Cape Cod Classic
    The Prairie Schooner
    The Big Bungalow
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'll second Frank's note - here's to Iowa!

    I think I need some more info to be of assistance. What type of plans are you designing? Prairie, arts and craft, art deco, modern, four-square, etc. Another consideration might be location. If you have a development under consideration you might find something that ties them all together.

    Thanks for more info!
  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Accepted
    So are you wanting to keep this fun tone? Is this indicative of your overall brand personality? It's a very catchy name. If it's descriptive of something like a rock facing on the house, then that would lead me to ask what are the features of the other houses that might lend themselves to other names? Or is it just that idea of a cool, luxurious lifestyle. ie. maybe a name that would fit either strategy would be, "The Hard Rock Ranch"
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks so much for your responses! Those are some good ideas. The houses that we are building really don't have a specific style such as Prairie or Arts and Crafts.

    We have tried looking through existing plan books but all of those names are very boring and uninspiring. We build mainly in the entry level price range which is why our younger buyers loved the Rock Star Ranch name. I think anything fun or whimsical would work.
  • Posted on Member
    I'm having a tough time with this one Todd.

    How about song titles (or take offs on song titles)? Stairs to Heaven, (as opposed to Highway to Hell!) This Joint is Jumpin', Amazing Place, Stellar by Starlight, Relaxin', Beginnings, Boss City, Built for Comfort, Easy Does It, Flyin' Home, Home Again, Home Stretch, Home At Last - etc. I think you could do 100s using Blues - or Blue.

    Good Luck - will have to look for your houses when I'm in DSM.

  • Posted on Author
    Yeah, now you're on a good roll! I like that thought to keep with the rock star theme. I'll work that and see what I can come up with. Thanks!!
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Gimme Shelter
    House Of The Rising Sum (ARMs)

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