
Topic: Taglines/Names

Art Teacher Needs Slogan For Flyer

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am having a tough time nailing down a slogan that will entice 9-12 yrs to enroll in my art courses. The only usable format is a flyer teachers distribute in class to students. Basically I cannot and do not want to employ names such as Learn to draw Spiderman, or, Do you want to draw Disney characters?
Reason being is that these catchlines imply that is what I want to it isn't. I am trying to appeal directly to the child's ability to draw, by either nuturing a lack of skill or improving natural talent. I maintain that these courses can improve anyone's skill without yielding a particular result, as in, by course end you WILL be able to draw what you want rather than the usual result, what the teacher has shown you.

This being the case, service rather than a fixed result, I need something that catches the child's eye, so is cool, and entices them to read a little bit about what this course is about.

I thought of "Drawing is just for artists....NOT!"
but I need opinions on that, and also, "Don't read this...If you can draw!"

Any input is welcome,

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  • Posted on Member
    I like your slogan "Drawing is just for artists......NOT!"

    Also, how about "The Art of Drawing"

    Your other slogan "Don't read this....If you can draw!" I think might put off those who can draw a little bit.


  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Can you draw more than a crowd?
    This flyer is lame. Can you draw a better one?
    Bored with doodling in your notebook? Come see me.
    Draw something besides a crowd.
    Can't draw? Wanna bet?
    Let's see what's in you.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Want to Master Drawing?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    (Note: If the parent has to pay for the class, then you really need to appeal to both the child and the parent in your wording. The child needs to be excited enough to show the flyer to his/her parent, and the parent has to be interested enough to pay.)

    Secrets To Drawing Better
    Draw More Like This: (actual drawing) Instead of: (actual drawing)
    Draw! Reach For the Sky!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Discover Your Alter-Ego.

    The Pen is Mightier ....

    No Batteries included, but you will get 'charged' up!

    Hope these get the juices flowing for you!

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