
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Slogan/tag Line!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a tutoring company that works with people, mostly kids, with reading, writing and comprehension difficulties. We diagnose the source of the problem in testing, and remediate from the ground up. Since our program is brain based, I was trying to come up with something with some of these words.. but feel free to offer your own suggestions! We are faster and better than any of our competitors! (Of course! ;)

learn build grow create
pieces skills layer
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Let's start by defining your target audience more precisely. Exactly who are they? Is it the parents who make the decision or the kids? How old are the kids? Where do they live and go to school? Public schools or private schools?

    What is the most important consideration for the decision makers? How do they express their concerns and attitudes?

    Then consider what it is you want to communicate to them. When you say you're faster and better, WHY are you better? How do you explain that to prospective clients? What makes you different from and better than the dozens of other tutors?

    Where are you located? How far do you plan to travel to serve a client? This kind of company is usually a local business, so maybe a tagline that refers to your location would be useful.

    Then think about how and where you expect your prospective clients to learn about you? What's the context? Will you buy advertising? If so, what kind?

    And what's the name of your company? Does it communicate your intended positioning? If not, why not? If so, what is the tagline supposed to do?

    Then, finally, see if you can articulate how you'll know if/when you have a winning tagline. What are the criteria? How will you know if your tagline is communicating what you intend? If you can't do that, then any tagline is probably just fine.

    Hope this helps. If this is really an important issue for you, you might consider paying a small fee for specialized help at the 911 Marketing Help Tagline Factory. Simply go to the 911 Marketing Help website and click on "Tagline Factory" at the bottom of the screen. The service is strictly confidential, password protected, straightforward, no nonsense.

    The experts at Tagline Factory can guide you through the process ... and they are fast, professional, ready to help. (Note: 911 Marketing Help is a service of MarketingProfs.)
  • Posted on Accepted
    My preference for tag lines is something that states your brand promise. Example; Nikes "just do it" tag line implies Nike's brand promise that they have a shoe for just about anything you want to do and they will enable you to "just do it". Another organization I recently worked with chose "Integrity and Craftsmanship". They are in the process of building a brand around that concept.
    Also, remember a tag lines main purpose is primarily to cause a consumer to have a recollection of the other brand messages you have sent. Better to first determine what your brand is and identify ONE thing that you are the best at and will set you apart you from the competition. Build a brand around that and the other things will fall into place.
    For tips and useful quotes see [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Molding Successful Minds
    Building Brains
    Creating Successful Learners
    Making Learning Simpler
    Streamling the Learning Process
    A Brain Tune-Up
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    The faster way to improve your child's grades.
    One on one tutoring
    The smarter way to get smarter.
    Maximum learning in minimum time.
    Give us a test and we'll pass.
  • Posted by malkosbm on Accepted

    Developing Child's Intelligence

    That's why some are more clever

    We do the best for your child's
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Relieving Brain Strain
    Effectively Overcome Learning Problems
    The Prescription For Improved Learning
  • Posted on Accepted
    For starters I wouldn't describe yourself as a "tutoring company". It sells you short.

    Your point of difference is that you take time to be truly effective. It's not tutoring for the sake of spending time but custom education intervention to open minds to new possibilities. You cost a little more, but parents (who really care and really want a difference) are willing to pay a premium for one on one that works for their children. But, you don't want to just come out and say that directly. You want to say it concisely in a way the repositions the other tutors as something less.

    There's a better way.

    It's pithy. It's sticky. It's your point of difference that highlights the reason to believe. And, it's not just a see-say description. It has an emotional tug. Parents are emotional about their children. So should be your brand.

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