
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name & Tagline For Custom Cake Design

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want a catchy name and tagline for my company...used to be The Icing (but that's taken for a jewelry company). I like Pink Cake Box (it's taken too). I create custom cakes (topsy turvy, out of the box cakes as well as elegant...think Ace of Cakes. I want a name that is memorable, catchy but not too wierdo!!! Thanks for your genius brains!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    How about "____ takes the Cake!" (insert your first name. IE. Terry Takes The Cake.)

    Would be fun to answer the phone, "Hello, Terry takes the cake, may I help you?

    Terry's Uncommon Cakes
    Heavenly Cakes

    I'll keep my thinking cap on!
    Good Luck!

  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    I like ANM's reccomendation but with "Cake Co." at the end of it.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Slice As Nice
    Cake Walk Creations
    Layers of Love
    That Layered Look
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    The Baketrix
    Eye Candy Cakes
    Fearless Cakes
    Cake Crusaders (or Caked Crusaders)
    The Cakesmith (or Bakesmith?)
    Cake Whimsy
    The Capricious Baker
    The Artful Baker
    Splendiferous Cakes
    A Rare Treat
    Eye-Popper Cakes
    Oven Dazzle (or Dazzlers?)
    The Celebration Oven

    Thing is, I can see some of these combined as a business name and a tagline. Like "The Baketrix: Fearless Cakes" or "Cake Whimsy: A Rare Treat."

    Duff Goldman used "Charm City Cakes" because of Baltimore's nickname. Does your city have one you can lean into?

    Also, it might not be important if another business has a similar name if you're not doing the same business and you're not in the same vicinity. Check with da law before taking my word, but if a jewelry store in Nebraska is called The Icing, a pastry business in Tiajuana might be able to use the same name...

    What a fun business you have! Good luck. ;]
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Marie Antoinette's

    We Know Cake!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are a few ideas:
    Mass Communicake

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