
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Cyber Seminar For Parents

Posted by b4 on 500 Points
I need a catchy name for a parent seminar. The seminar will:

provide education and increase awareness of how the media influences childrens' health decisions;
Empower parents to help their child to make healthy choices;
Give parents tools to identify potential problems re: the use of technology/media;
Provide tools to assist parents when problems/issues arise.

Some of the names I came up with are below. Some of them are just words to start thinking. What I might like to do is find a catchy word that could be shortened like is done with IMing. (Like it's DATE night,, where DATE would stand for the name of the seminar; or WTTYK? Who's Talking to Your Kid? But a shortened word that spells something.)

Who's Talking to Your Child?

Born to be Wired: Keeping Kids Cyber Safe

Safe Surfing: Old Threats & New Technologies

Thank You Know About the ?????????

Keeping Kids Safe! All about health and safety in school and out

Be Kid Smart on the Web!

Creating a Healthy & Non Violent Future for Kids

Be Web Aware

Cyber Wellness
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Are Your Kids Safe? The Media and How it Effects Your Kids Health
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Are Your Kids Safe? The Media and How it Effects Your Kids Health OR if you wanted to get psychologically authoratitative you could use "Affect" instead of "Effect".
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Surf's Up - Help Rasing Media Aware Children
    Life Guard - A Parents Resource for Raising Web Aware Children
    Life Guard - Equipping Parents for Tech Savvy Children
    The Parenting Place
    Parent Web
    Web Parent - Parenting in a Media Rich World

    I think the key might be to pick a short clever name and atttach a tagline to give more meaning to it. Most of the ideas above could have the taglines switched with others.

    Hope this helps,
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Techno-Safe - When technology becomes a danger

    Parentech - Parenting with parentech...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: Selling this type of seminar isn't easy, since you're selling fear. You're trying to convince them that the Internet can be a dangerous place for children and that they need to be involved in their surfing behaviors).

    Kids Online
    Talking To Internet Strangers
    Who Are Your Kids Inviting In To Their Home?
    Safe Chat
    It's 10PM. Do You Know Where Your Child Is Online?
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    My only advice is to steer clear of words like "surf" and "cyber" in your title or your promotional material. Language like that is so... last century. ;]
  • Posted by b4 on Author
    So 'information super highway' is out of the question then? Just kidding ;) ,SRYan! Thanks, I appreciate the helpful comment!
    Thanks to everyone for the helpful suggestions.

    Anyone else?

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