
Topic: Taglines/Names

Romance Novelist Needs Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Creatives!
I'm an aspiring romance novelist and I'm told that I need a tagline. I already have a website but CANNOT think of a tag line. My stories are all set in Regency (1810-1820) England so something about history, etc. might be good. The only thing I've thought of so far is "Romance Through the Regency" but that doesn't seem very original to me. I DO NOT want it to be melodramatic, or silly (Example: Romance: Because Love Conquers All). I actually think that's someone's line. I want people to read my stories because they're fast-paced, fun-to-read, and have strong female heroines.

Another problem I have is that while I'm writing in the Regency period now, someday, I may write other time periods but maybe for now I should just stick with the Regency-focused tagline.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Valerie B
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    As a writer - I don't know if I personally would want to be defined by or pinpointed down by a tagline. I assume your work will vary creatively on subject and topic matter. I would just try to build a theme throughout the site and brand each piece of work rather than the creator herself.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You might have pseudonyms when you write in different styles/time periods.

    Some ideas:
    A Reputation For Regency Romance
    Regency, Romance, Reflection.
    Escape To Regency Romance
  • Posted on Accepted
    I know an aspiring Regency romance writer like you so I felt compelled to respond.

    Your web site doesn't have to have a tagline about historical romance, only about you or what you'll have on your web site. My friend's tagline is "Internationally published author of short stories and essays". So, maybe you could do something similar.

    Good luck.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think you not only don't need a tagline, but you probably want a different domain name for each title ... so people can learn about each one. Once you have a following and want to brand yourself as an author, there's time for a personal website.

    What's the purpose of your website? Why do you have one? What do you expect it to accomplish?

    If you really feel the need for a personal site now, I'd skip the tagline, or keep it sufficiently general that you're not locked in to a specific genre or period. Better to position yourself as a talented and interesting writer, and then refer people to the domains for individual titles (which should support your positioning).

    That's my input, FWIW.

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