
Topic: Taglines/Names

Conservation Tagline Needed

Posted by jamie on 250 Points
We are developing a marketing/pr campaign to target absentee landowners (landowners who do not live on their land) into implementing conservation practices and/or seeking assistance for their conservation questions. We were tossing around "Have you walked your land lately". This was to encourage them to visit their land (with assistance from their area conservationist) to make sure they know it's current state. We need to get across the message that they need to be concerned about their land and that free assistance is available for them to help assess their land. We are also providing them with information about what conservation programs are available to help them protect and preserve it. There are two campaigns that don't necessarily need the same message. One is for land that is primarily forest, the other for land that is crop or recreation land.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Would agree with Phil - his diagnosis of the characteristics of landowner investors is correct. Monetary incentive is key. A free report titled something like:

    "How to Increase the Value of Your Vacant Land for Little or No Cost"
  • Posted by jamie on Author
    Thanks for your input. We've actually found the opposite in our research and surveys with landowners. Most of them get quite upset about the assumption that they don't care and don't have an attachment to the land. We've found that they want assistance, they just don't know where to turn and don't know that there is help out there. We are going to promote the free approach. Good point also to increase the value of their land. Thanks again.
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    Your tagline almost seems a little patronizing though I could be wrong. "Have you walked your land lately?"

    Your research shows they have an attachment to the land. Does your research also show a conservation ethic?

    You are offering something (consulting?) What distills what you offer the best? Maybe brainstorm that a bit.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    "Have You Walked Your Land Lately?" doesn't reinforce your offering: free assessment and conservation.

    Some ideas:
    Who's Minding Your Land?
    Entrust Your Land Forever
    We Help Protect Your Land For Free
    Have Your Land Enjoyed For Generations
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    Jay, I like the generations theme.

    My aunt and uncle own land, though they live on it, and they envision conserving it for future generations. And when I say future generations, I do not mean just their own family but I think they look at it as a duty to conserve the nearby town and so on.

    For example, if someone in this town of about 3,500 people suddenly built a huge sub-division it would completely alter the character of this New England town that has not changed much in generations.

    There must be a lot of people who want to leave a legacy for both their own family, their community, and pride in their land whether they live on the land or not.

    I am sure people like my aunt and uncle who have great pride in their land would love your service. But believe me, people who love their land have walked it lately. They walk it whenever they can.
  • Posted by jamie on Author
    Thanks for all your comments. I like to the generations approach too. A lot of the lands have been passed down through the family for years or purchased with the intent to do that for future generations.

    To respond to Neil - yes our research shows that they landowners have a conservation ethic. Our contract is with the government to attempt to bring landowners to their door to get help with their conservation questions and/or enroll in programs.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Conservation is a sound investment

    Is your land disappearing one season at a time
  • Posted by kevin.shoesmith on Accepted
    I'll add to the pot of ideas tossed around:

    It's more than just land ... it's your legacy!

    Nobody cares for your land more than you ... except maybe us. We offer free advice to help you protect your legacy for generations.

    Love Your Land. Preserve it with FREE information.

    It's Your Land. Let us show you how to enjoy it more for FREE.

    Acres of FREE advice and information to increase the value of YOUR LAND.

    Love it enough to leave it in a better state.

    FREE information for those who truly Love Their Land!

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