
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help Naming My New Book

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm a marketing/publicity consultant and for the past few years have been providing workshops for professional organizations on marketing strategies. Most of these strategies are guerrilla in nature and geared toward small and sometimes mid-size businesses. After the workshop I sell a manual including of all the topics we discussed, including step-by-step instructions on how to implement each idea.

I've been making a great profit on these and am now self-publishing the manual in a nicer format with additional content and will include a CD with samples and templates of things like sales letters, press releases, etc. I am at a loss for what to call the book/manual. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What is/are the names for your workshops?
    Who is your manual's target audience?
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    The Marketing Guerrilla - marketing strategies from the trenches
  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    Are you sharing "insider secrets" or other information that the average small business person would not have immediate access to?
    Are these budget-conscious strategies?
    Do they take a lot of time - are they quick steps?
    What is the learning curve?
    How quickly can they implement the strategies that you teach them?
    What is different, unique, notable about the strategies you teach?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    The Marketing toolkit...
  • Posted on Member
    Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing:

    (Number) Ways to Market Your Business For Free

    (Number) Most Common Guerrilla Marketing Mistakes -- and how to Avoid Them
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for all of your responses - this book will be sold independently of my workshops. My workshops are provided to professional organizations that are already meeting (realtor assoc. photog asoc), so I just call them Marketing Strategies for ________. I wanted something a little more clever the book title because I will mainly be selling online and not along with a workshop.

    The target is small business owners that don't have the budget for a marketing person. The 'step-by-step' nature makes it easy to implement without a long learning curve. Feedback from those that have bought and used the book is that they started right away with many of the strategies and found them easy and effective. Most of the strategies are free, all are low-cost or a low-cost method to implement.

    Even though the techniques are 'guerilla' I wanted to stray from the word since 1. There are already VERY popular books with that title and 2. Every business owner I talk to doesn't understand the word guerilla. I was thinking more along the lines of 'Practical' 'Inexpensive' 'Easy to learn' - that kind of thing.

    Thanks again so much!

  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    *Marketing Strategies for the Rest of Us - Tips for Non-Marketers Who Need to do Marketing
    *Marketing Tips for Non-Marketers
    *The Non-Marketers Marketing Guide
    *Marketing Techniques for Small Businesses
    *You Can Do Successful Marketing - Marketing Techniques for Small Businesses

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