
Topic: Taglines/Names

Small Pr Agency Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've just started a small virtual PR agency (retired from large agency after 25 years). I want to convey a sense of commitment, expertise, broad range of experience and a team of professionals who've all left big agencies in order to provide better strategy and still enjoy life. I love having fun with my clients and am enormously devoted and loyal to them. I'm also a funny, light-hearted person. My logo is a stylized cowgirl throwing a honor my obsession with horses.

The name is Claudia Lauber Marketing and PR (I was under the gun at the CPA's). Since the corporate name is rather bland and straightforward, I need a killer tagline. The only thing I've come up with is something about ideas, execution, results.

Can you help?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Roping In Creativity
    We Don't Horse Around
    We'll Gallop In Sales
    Steering to Success
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Lasoing free publicity for you
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Riding To Success
    Galloping To Success
    First Ones Out Of The "Gait"
    When You Canter Do It Yourself
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Don't Saddle For Less
    Catching Attention For Your Business
  • Posted on Member
    I have to say, I actually agree with Phil... I think the logo needs to be revamped... which is cool, businesses do it all the time. It really does I think, even go as far as detracting from the generalized idea of what you actually do.

    As far as with a tagline:

    "Gain Lauber Leverage"
    "Seasoned. PR. Experience"
    "Your UNfair PR Advantage"
    "The Caviar of PR"
    "Pumping Up your Public Perception"
    "The Cutting Edge of PR"
    "There's No Sub for the Lauber Buzz"

    Hope these help!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I like the logo and the idea. Its something you can actually build a brand with. It gives her clients something far more to remember than inserting the usual icons associated with the field. Look at Geicho, what does a lizard have to do with insurance? I was just on a Frontier flight-- why the animals on the wings? Yet I sat next to an adult woman talking on her cell-- saying she hopes her flight has the "bear" on the wing. Love them or hate them-- say talking lizard, or talking bears on tail wings-- they have a brand that brings an image to mind.
  • Posted on Member
    Good Point.
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    Overall I agree with Phil... BUT, a cowgirl could be appropriate if you're trying to brand independence (which might work for a boutique agency).

    I think your brand needs more focus. You mentioned a lot of things about what you want to convey - can you distill that any further? Are you more interested in branding yourself as a small boutique agency, or in pushing the broad range of expertise? Two very different brands. The name, logo, and tagline are all ways to communicate your brand promise.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Start by defining your target audience more specifically. After all, that's who has to understand what you do and what your logo means. The more precisely you can pinpoint the audience, the better chance you have of coming up with a tagline (and perhaps a new logo) that's meaningful to them.

    If I were considering a new PR firm, I think I might pass on a candidate that has an irrelevant logo for fear that they wouldn't be able to focus on communicating MY strategic message very clearly.

    Work on narrowing your focus and then coming up with a clear and compelling positioning benefit that is meaningful to the target audience. Then it's time for a tagline.

    Without that positioning statement (and a creative brief), you'll never know whether a tagline is right or not. How are you going to judge the submissions? What criteria will you use to pick a winner?

    I love Jay's "Don't Saddle For Less," but only if your primary target audience consists of rodeo promoters or other equine businesses.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Claudia,
    i agree with those who mentioned that you need to reconsider your logo first, but not for the same reasons,
    i actually kind of agree more with the point of CarolBlaha but still believe you have to change a bit your logo but without getting away of your absession with horses.
    What i mean is that you should consider adding a horse in the logo which would add to the idea of power, beauty, willingnes, motivation
    just think of the idea of a standing on his back legs stallion, caught of your pretty cowgirls lasso with the tagline

    C. L. Marketing & PR
    Mastering The Market ( for you or for your success )

    And as you are saying the firm is virtual then you will have the ability on the website and with use of animation and multimedia to play with text , picture & sound and pass multiple messages to your target group. As a matter of fact i liked some the others mentioned above that thy where related with horse catching, you can use some of them too.
    Speaking of the website you do not have it on your profile why?
    Isn't it ready yet, or you forgot to put the link, because if we had the websites picture it would be helpful.
    If you haven't done a website yet and you thinking of it don't hesitate to contact me at
    I hope my idea helped you, i wish you the best for your new beginning.
    Best Regards Romilos
  • Posted on Author
    This is Claudia. Thanks for your thoughtful responses to my question, except for the sarcastic ones...those don't really help.

    My main focus is reaching small companies who need PR and all that entails. My secondary focus is reaching PR companies who need outside project help.

    As far as the logo goes, the largest PR agency in the region here is Red7E...That doesn't say PR, nor does some other national brands with creative bents to their messages. How about the new E-trade baby?

    Anyway, I'm still searching for the tagline. Thanks again for your help
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Thanks for rewarding the points. If you are still listening-- I had a lot of windshield time today and was thinking of this post. I ran thru my head a typical basic branding exercise-- which is treating the business as if it were a person-- what attributes would it have. In this case, Claudia wants it to be a horse lover-- I went further and called it a horse. There is nothing wrong with this-- I am thinking of injury lawyers here that are "bulldogs" or "bears".

    So I put my horse's head on-- if I were a horse what would I be? I'd be strong, a winner, fast with my nose to the air for the latest horse trends. If I had to have an owner-- I'd still be wild & free enough to tell him where to put his stinking carrot. In reading between the lines of one post-- I'd avoid anything cute. I have never heard of a horse as cute. And I applied them to her agency.

    Here are a few taglines I want to follow with.

    Don't Pony with the Rest
    Fast Track to Success
    Wild & Free PR
    Choose the Throroubred
    Ride with the Thoroubred
    Wild and Free PR
    Open the Gate
    Ahead By A Nose
    A note Ahead of the Rest
    A Lap Ahead of the Rest

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