
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creative Realtor Tagline Needed!

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello everyone, my father needs assistance on his tagline as a Realtor.

Using his name "TIM DUCKWORTH" is important as the last name is well known in the area with previous businesses. The other Duckworth business logos are all ducks and had "quack" in slogans but doesn't necessarily have to be in this one....

Any thoughts on a catchy witty statement?!?! One that may even rhyme?

Here are some in Florida that particularly stand out to get your thoughts brewing! Again, incorporating his name (TIM DUCKWORTH) some way or another would probably be worth it!


Previous examples:
"If you buy or sell with Randy, keep the movers handy!"
'If you want the Best go with Crystal and Wes!"
"Say so long to your neighbors when you buy or sell with Ken Mong!"

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  • Posted by mmacias05 on Accepted
    Tim Duckworth..he'll get your dream home at a price so low you will quack up!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If the name of the business includes "Duckworth" then I'd urge that the tagline NOT try to be cute or catchy. Instead I'd opt for communicating what makes Tim Duckworth different from and better than all the other dozens/hundreds of realtors in his market.

    Consumers -- even consumers of realtors' services -- often react negatively to cutesy taglines. They're simply mnemonic devices, and from what you've said, people in your dad's market already recognize the name and won't have much trouble recalling it.

    That's why I would recommend focusing on communicating a clear positioning message, not on finding yet another cute and "catchy witty" tagline. People who are looking for a realtor are not seeking entertainment or humor. They're looking for someone who can deliver against their needs. Your dad's tagline should give them a reason to call him.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Michael's given you good advice for a tagline. However, I think you're looking more for a jingle. A tagline focuses on the benefit the client gets from using their offering. A jingle focuses on trying to create an mnemonic hook.

    Some ideas:
    * Get Your Money's Worth With Duckworth
    * What's Your House Worth? Ask Duckworth!
    * House-hunting? Don't Quack Up! Use Duckworth.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Is this residential or residential real estate, or both? What city does he work in? These might help with the ideas. Is there anything that differentiates your dad from other realtors in the area?

  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    Sorry the questions was supposed to be residential or commercial.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Home buyers and sellers are flocking to Tim Duckworth!

    The best homes on earth are with Tim Duckworth.

    Buying or selling your piece of earth? Get results fast and call Tim Duckworth.

    Tim Duckworth is your guy in town for today's real estate low-down.

    (Get it? DOWN? Yeah, I know...)
  • Posted on Accepted
    I am a photographer hoping to find a great tagline for my business. I have named my company vista, but now I think I need to add something catchy as a tag line... Any suggestions? Thank you!

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