
Topic: Other

New Office Opening Of Real Estate Investment Co

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been new appointed as a marketing head of an islamic real estate investment company - need some event ideas for the opening
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  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Who are you trying to attract, clients, investors, property owners?
    Do you already have some properties? Perhaps a cocktail reception and then a tour of some properties.

  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Throw an opening party. Oldest trick in the book. Make it grand, make it memorable make them come-back and use your service.
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    How about a casino night? There are companies that can bring in games an dealers. These can be quite fun, especially if you have some prizes at the end. You can make this a formal event and possibly set it up in the office
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not a team-building party? Not a contest situation (pitting the employees against each other), but a co-operative situation where everyone shares in the experience. It could be a treasure hunt, a ropes course, cooking a meal together, etc. The point is people will get to see some other side of their fellow employees, have a shared experience, and something to talk about for awhile.

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