
Topic: Taglines/Names

Succinct Tagline For Diverse Services

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have a b2b environmental services business we've renamed Advantage Solutions. We do restoration, recovery, and air purification. We bundle/package services that ladder up to creating healthy indoor spaces. However, at the base level we are a contractor providing the following services: Water Extraction, Structural Drying, Mold Remediation, HVAC Cleaning & Air Purification, Fire/Smoke/Odor Restoration, Disaster Recovery (e.g. Hurricanes), and Warranty Administration (e.g. for top 10 home builders).

Our purpose statement is: "To deliver environmentally sound solutions which provide people and planet friendly indoor spaces."

We are having trouble with a tag line that encapsulates what we do without seeming too vague or grandiose (e.g. solving outside environmental issues). The line I'm working with right now is: "Delivering environmentally sound solutions for indoor spaces". We've been unable to crack the code and find one we think works perfectly.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Improving your indoor environment....

    Healthy, clean indoor environment...
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Planet Friendly indoor air sounds confusing, you are creating healthy air-- healthy buildings. The EPA regards our indoor air quality our #1 health concern-- especially since Americans spend 90% of their time indoors.

    you are "the cure for sick buildings"
    the RX for sick buildings
    Healthy Buildings Means Healthy People
    Lower Healthcare Costs-- cure the Building
    Cure the Building Not the People
    The Holistic Approach to Sick Buildings and the people who live in them
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    Creating Healthy Work Environments in the Wake of Disasters
    Restoring Healthy Work Environments
    Ensuring Post Disaster, Healthy Work Environments
    Environmentally Friendly, Healthy Work Environments
    Environmentally Friendly, Healthy Buildings
    Creating Environmentally Friendly, Healthy Buildings
    Ensuring Environmentally Friendly, Healthy Buildings

    Hope these help,

  • Posted on Accepted
    I hate to do this to you, but I think "Environmentally sound solutions for indoor spaces" (lose the "Delivering") is pretty terrific. It's not to long, it's to the point, it says what you do, and it's professional. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. This is just my gut reaction, but that too is sometimes the best.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Making Employees (Workplaces) Breathe Easier
    Energizing Workspaces With Healthy Air
    Improving Every Breath You Take
  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    I agree with blewis. Here's one more:
    Healthy Air - Healthy Buildings
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I wouldn't futz too much with the mission statement. A mission statement will change over time-- as anyone who has figeted through a strategic planning meeting will know. You can tweak that as you learn more about the market. Just as your company has changed with this new niche, so will your mission.

    But. enviro friendly. planet and good for people are (in green terms) is becoming synonomous. And its all "sound". Its alll about healthy people thru the cure of sick buildings (and a building in need of disaster restoration is very sick!) and their legacy.
  • Posted by tADman on Member
    I like the things being said and the idea of focusing on the result of the healthy building.

    The thing that throws me is the word "Sound" when we are talking air quality. Just a stickler on true meaning of words if there is not a double entendra.

    Some options to consider playing off others and a few new ones:

    To reduce the current further . . .
    "Environmental solutions for indoor spaces"

    Positive, healthy focus . . .
    Good air for a good life

    Creating surroundings that create quality life

    Keeping your air breathable

    Total environment Specialists for Quality living

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