
Topic: Taglines/Names

Get Wrapped Up...

Posted by Anonymous on 400 Points
I am working on a whimsical and fun slogan for holiday windows for a junior retail girls store. Something that will appeal to teenage girls.

The slogan starts out with- "get wrapped up".

I was hoping to add to that...something like "get wrapped up in the magic of the season, catching snowflakes with your tongue, believing in magic, giving to those in need...."

Something like that, that kind of reads like a story but something much better then what i just came up with. If it's retail should i really try to tie it back to fashion like "get wrapped up in cozy. fashion. sweaters. gloves." or should it appeal more to their "creative dreamy" side?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted the feeling of the season. Stay warm. Create memories with your friends and family.

    There are some hooks to connect your sales piece/visuals: warmth + friends and family (gifts).
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted warmth for the holidays holiday magic, all cozy and warm
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted the joy of the season the joy of the holidays the season of joy the season of wonder Joy Peace Wonder the warmth of the season

    I don't think it needs to be blatantly about fashion. I think the idea is appeal more to the holidays. They know your selling clothes if they are walking by the store.

    Hope these help,
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Get wrapped up in a cozy sweater and warm gloves and own the season.

    Get wrapped up in the whole joy of it!

    Get wrapped up in merry-making, cookie-baking fun!

    Get wrapped up in the season of style.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Kind of a take off of some of the above...
    Get wrapped up in
    .....the spirit of the season.
    Any chance that you can eliminate "Get" and make it just "Wrapped" or "Wrap Up a"
    ...Season of Style,
    Wrapped in Style, Spirit and Magic.
    Wrapped up in Magical Holiday Moments... the spirit of believing, giving, magic and style.

    Sounds like a really fun project! Good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I like the ones that appeal to emotions.

    Get wrapped up
    ... in the moment
    ... in love
    ... in the season
    ... in joy
    ... in friendship
    ... for a new year
    ... for fun

  • Posted by tADman on Accepted
    I like the responses from mdlugozima and gyoung. Especially the idea of removing "Get" and stay as short as possible. Especially when doing a window set. Put the focus as an eyebrow of the scene they will see with the merchandise in the window.

    Teen girls are about their friends, making "the moment" memorable and being a part of the crowd. Some suggestions for you . . . .

    Wrapped in winters best, friends delight and the magic of one night.

    Wrapping up your friends delight. (About gift giving)

    Wrapping up your favorites for your friends. (About gift giving)

    Wrap up the world around you.

    Wrap up your favorites and surprise yourself this season.

    Get wrapped up in all the season has to offer.

    Get wrapped up in the moment, the season and the winter months to come.

    Get wrapped up. Gift wrapped up. Give wrapped up.
    (This can be decorated with cool wrapping paper throughout to promote buying for others)

    Get wrapped up in the physical, emotional and warmth of the season.

    Get wrapped up from head to toe.
    (Decorate with products that show something to cover every part of the body from hats to socks.

    Wrap yourself in the season.

    Wrap your mind around it and wrap up your season.

    Wrap up your favorites. For family friends and forever.

    Wrap up a little happiness for the holidays.

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