
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Plumbing Company Needs Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey everyone,
I recently started a plumbing company with a partner...we've developed our corporate identity, website ( and have successfully begun to spider it generating daily calls. I'm at a point where I believe we really need a catchy slogan to help brand our service...any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Check out our website if you need any background info or email me if you have questions. Our company name is Pipes Plumbing Services Ltd.

Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    We could use some more information to help with you slogan.

    Who is your target customer? Where are you located? What makes you different from other plumbers that I might choose in your area? All of these will help us offer the best taglines.

    Your website is appealing overall. I found the colors and layout to be interesting. I did feel that the font was on the small side and is coded in away that does not allow me to increase it by changing my text size in the browser. I also found the site to be lacking any specific content about Pipes Plumbing. I couldn't really find much anout you. Do you have some testimonials from customers that you can add.

    You have a bunch of information that takes you off your site. The poiinters are great, but would be better if they were on your site, not someone elses.

    You have some links that do not do anything. The ones at the top should give more info (24 hour service, etc.)

    I hope this helps,
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Whenever You Need Us, We'll Be There.
    Alberta's Commercial and Residential Experts
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    The friendly plumber

    Professional plumbing, friendly service

    The plumber with the right attitude
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Your money won't go down the drain.
    We're a perfect fit.
    We keep water in its place.
    Give us your plumb assignments.
    We know how to go with the flow.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Experience Plumbing 2.0
    Good, clean, fast!
    We don't stay in the bathroom forever.

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