
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate Title Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi and HELP!! I am at a loss for a tagline for our company. The only thing I have come up with is "put your stress to rest, come close with the best". Any ideas will be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Keeping Your Property Yours
    Buy (Own) Property With Confidence
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Keep your close on.
    Make sure it's really yours.
    Sleep better in your new home.
    Free and clear is why we're here.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Home of the stressfree closings
    stress free closings
    We take the stress out of closings
    Purchasing a home should be enjoyable
    Closing your sale without the stress
    Closings without the stress
    Hassle free closings
    Secure, Convenient Closings
    Home of the Sane Closing

    Hope these help,

  • Posted by tADman on Accepted
    While I think Phil is on to something that the current economy and home foreclosures has brought to the forefront of concern for home buyers I don't associate the closing (with the real estate title company) as the future, but the hassle of the here and now. Sitting and signing a lot of pages that you are really unclear about. Who really knoes what is in the pages (unless you have studied and received a degree in closings.) Most often you trust the title company is leading you thorugh the process with trust and ethics in mind.

    Therefore, I would stay in the position you are trying to achieve with your line, "put your stress to rest, come close with the best". But I do agree with Phil, rhyming can be catchy but does not convey the confidence and trust you are lookng for to relate to the situation. Staying more direct will suit you better. Several of the suggestions above from Mikee are staright forward.

    Here are a few more to consider as you try and define the business for the current economic setting and to live with the brand into the future.

    (Name) Real Estate Title Company. . .

    Leading you through the process, Stress free.

    Closings with confidence.

    Managing the close with confidence.

    Knowledge, Confidence & Consideration for your closing.

    Experienced partners in closings.

    Experienced managers of the close.

    Experienced managers for closing your investment.

    Providing experience for a stress free closing.

    Structured and stress free closings.

    No hassle closings for your lifetime investments.

    No hassle closings for your life's investment.

    Walking beside you for a stress free closing (or purchase).

    Sitting beside you for a stress free closing (or purchase).

    On your side through the whole process.

    Hope these help you define your direction. Good luck.

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