
Topic: Other

How To Sell My Tea To A Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Can you please tell me how i can sell tea from other country to a company in Us in large quantity?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    First, you need to have something special about your tea that would interest the company - price, taste, miracle healing power, hypnotic effect to make people pay $1000 per teabag - something. Really, it comes down to two areas: Either you have to offer something unique to the consumers in the US or something unique to the tea companies in the US - or both.

    Tea is, basically, a mature commodity. The product is readily available in abundance from many sources. To be successful, you may choose one of two strategies: Be the low cost supplier and compete with the lowest price - thus saving the tea companies money over present supplier or you can find a niche that other tea suppliers can't fulfill - some special characteristic that no other tea supplier can match.

    Regardless of the strategy, contacting the tea companies in the US takes a bit of effort. generally, you will have to "network" your way in - find someone who knows an influential executive in the tea company management so that you can make your case as the "low cost supplier" or "niche" supplier with unique characteristics. It may take you a while to work up the ladder in the tea company organization to the decision maker so you can present your case for your tea product.

    I hope this helps.


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