
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Our Dog Club

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My husband and I own a dog training club and off-leash dog park. We are currently trying to design a tshirt (our members have been bugging us to do this LOL). Anyway I think I've come up with a design my husband and I both like, kind of a seal (like an old fashioned wax seal)that will have a pic of 3 wolf heads (on our logo) and I'd like to put 3 or 4 words in the seal that give an immediate idea about our club and it's goals. We do NOT cater to the cutesy dog crowd that treat their dogs like babies. We have alot of members who do working/training like K9 units, Search and Rescue, Field trials, etc, but we also have fun. We think a really happy dog is one who gets to participate in some sort of activity with their owner as well as socialize and have fun because this makes for a contented dog and an owner who is happy because their dog is happy which means they are easy to live with. Hope this makes sense LOL.
Anyway my ideas for the words in the seal are-
Work Play Thrive (I like this alot but don't know if it will make people think of that medical company, can't think of which one)
or maybe
Work - Connect - Play (not sure of the order).
Work, Play, Train, Enjoy

Any ideas are welcome, thanks all,
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  • Posted on Author
    Oh, just realized that I didn't mention we also do daycare and boarding so don't know if or how we should incorporate in the seal, which is part of why we liked Thrive in there.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Training Man's Best Friend
    Training Can Be Fun
    Fun While Training
    Training With Fun

    Hope these help,
  • Posted by Phx SC on Accepted
    I love the idea of using Latin phrasing with a seal. You can do something tongue in cheek that is "fake Latin" like Veni Vidi Barkus or (forgive my very poor Latin) something truer to a translation like "E strennus canis, felicis canis." (Close to "from active dogs come happy dogs.")

    Anyway, my Latin might be dreadful, but hopefully this can spur some ideas.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all, I like the idea of the Latin thing. We have a "fake" latin phrase on our old website. We do a lot of bitework with K9 units and Schutzhund trainers and the dogs get scored on how hard and deep they bite the sleeve that the "bad guy" wears so we used "Carpe Sleevum" (seize the sleeve) as a joke.
    I'll toss that around with my husband to see what he thinks.

  • Posted on Accepted
    "Veni, Vidi, Barkum"

    (VERY bad Latin for "I came, I saw, I barked.")
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Workum, Trainum, Enjoyum

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for the great responses, we have narrowed it down to 2 choices, hopefully I'll be able to post a pic of the final design when we get it finished.
    Oh and sorry to the moderators here about putting my website in my sig, I'm on a couple of professional dog training and dog boarding lists and they require your web address with every post to prove you are a pro so I just type it in out of habit.

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