
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name/tagline For Raw Dog-food Delivery Business.

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We're about to start a dog food business and could really use some help with a catchy name and tag-line.

Business premise is
- Manufacture of premium raw, organic dog food.
- Delivered fresh to customer's door.

We would like to position ourselves as urban, modern, high-end, environmentally-friendly, fun, web 2.0-driven.

The business will heavily rely on our website where customers will place orders, so the name needs to work well for the web as well as on tangible packaging.

One of the partners has two beagles named Max and Molly who we will use on all our promo materials, so for now we settled on "Max&Molly dog food co." as our name. I don't think it's witty or modern enough I wrong?

As for tag line, it should emphasize the quality of the product and the fact that it is delivered fresh.

Thanks for all suggestions!
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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    MollyMax Nutrition...premium, organic dog food delivered fresh to your doggie door!

    Wags To Riches Dog Food

    Up & Adam Premium Pet Food...they'll bark for more when we're at the door. (Name one dog "Up" and the other "Adam").

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    In California, Primal ( is doing something similar. Not delivered, but shipped frozen to retailers. There is a market for this - pet owners who shop organically and buy locally.

    "Max & Molly" can work, indicating a smaller boutique organization.

    Alternatively, you could make it "Farmer Max's" to indicate freshness, etc.
  • Posted on Accepted
    *Earth Dog
    *Top Dog
    *Max & Molly's Selects

    Here's an idea: Use a computer program like Comic Life to turn photos of the two dogs "speaking" via speech balloons into comic strip/comic book panels that will make up your catalog or fliers. In other words, make Max and Molly into recurring characters the customers will enjoy.
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    Hi, ski-fast!

    My marketing colleagues have given you some good ideas, so I'm giving you the supplemental information you asked for.

    You and others are amazed that people in high-income brackets abandon pets in growing numbers here in the USA.

    You want "a verifiable published trend" so below are links from some major TV and web news channels. Please look at these 2008 sources.

    1)'s article "Foreclosing on Fido-- Financially overwhelmed owners abandon homes, with pets still inside" includes this excerpt :
    " Country Club area of Anthem...Windgassen's rescue group has saved a bichon frise, Lhasa apso and shih tzu ...after OWNERS ABANDONED THEM IN THEIR FORECLOSED HIGH PRICED HOMES."

    See Full article at:

    CBS news video and article:

    article :

    4) article :

    This is a real problem, ski-fast. There are people in all income levels guilty of purposely leaving animals behind without telling anyone. One of my family's adopted dogs was an abandoned pet in NY. The dog had been left in his previous owner's multimillion dollar building. It's a miracle he survived before he was rescued. Thank God there are some good people out there looking for abandoned pets in foreclosed homes. Some real estate agents have taken it upon themselves to actively search and try to help the poor animals.

    All the best to you.

    Corpcommer - MC
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    The best a pet can get.
    Sweet meat delivered to their feet.

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