
Topic: Other

Point Of Sale Effectiveness

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have a client who buys a lot of POS and I also have a supplier to makes a lot of them. I am always in a dilemma. Does POS really work and should companies be investing in them at all or are they an "OK should be there but not essential" type of the marketing mix. Some of my clients use them regularly and swear by them but when asked for data or evidence they can't seem to find it. Very often I notice clients doing POS ideas because their competitors have done them and for no other reason. What sort of percentage of busdget needs to be allocated for POS - any guidance. Can brands be built only on POS ? My question is is there a science and consumer / trade psyche to all this? Or is it just a marketing habit refusing to get shaken off...Is there learning out there on what works and what does'nt - any learning across different categories - like telecom, food, petfood , etc.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Dear Ramesh

    i agree with Arshad regarding the use of POS.

    Yes i think POS does work. for industries where ATL acitivities are limited due to various reasons, BTL activities are only option of brand communication to consumers and POS in an important element in BTL. With ATL expenses soaring due to increase in media (TV/Radio channels, magazines and press), more and more brands are relying on BTL activities including POS. So one can say POS is important. Yes it may not establish a brand alone on its own, but it is an important brand communication tool.

    regarding use of POS in telecom sector, i remember Grameen Phone, the largest cellular operator in Bangladesh launched their service in the port city of Chittagong with Buntings/Streamers and Posters and all other kinds of POS at every possible space, Mobile outlets, wall etc. They decorated all the traffic round-abouts with these buntings and entirely changed the look of the city. The city walls were pasted with posters with simple message "Grameen Phone in Now in CHittagong". All this was done overnight and the launch day morning the entire city was surprised. Obviously the consumer reaction was complete sell out of available connections in less than 96 hours.

    i hope this answers your question.



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