
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name To Relaunch Bank Sales/service Process

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Mid-size regional bank with miniscule marketing budget. Hired to overhaul sales/service process to be less product focused and more focused on uncovering/meeting needs. Bank is one of the few who has held up incredible well amidst the economic turmoil. We are well known for our strength and stability. Prior name was "STAR" and employee surveys show extreme negative connotations. Need a new name or theme. It needs to be professional (not cutesy) and communicate that we want to grow based on exceeding expectations. I don't have budget to hire creative :(. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by vlytsman on Accepted
    While money is a major factor in today's economy, peace of mind is another one ...knowing your money is safe. This is one, if not the most important, factor for a consumer to deposit money in a bank or to want to do business with a bank at all. My suggestion is to keep it simple and straightforward. Here are two suggestions for a name and the tag line...

    The New Bank
    The Safe Bank

    Tag line for both: ....for your peace of mind
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Lend An Ear
    Lend A Hand
    Ask, Advise, Arrange

  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Knowledge to Meet Your Needs
    Meeting Needs One Customer at a Time
    Meeting Every Client's Needs
    Where Every Customer is a VIP
  • Posted by vlytsman on Member
    All responses sound great. Robert_enters' suggestion for a name is a good one. Safe etc. came up based on Mandy's comment about their bank being one of the few that has held up incredible well amidst the economic turmoil and has been well known for its strength and stability. Somehow emphasizing that reputation would be to the bank's advantage -- either in the name and/or in their messaging. Mandy, can you share with us your and your team's new approach?
  • Posted by DougM on Accepted
    As this is internal, how about

    ATS - And then some
    Wow - need to wow the customer
    ACE - Above Customer Expectations (Ace Award, Ace Service

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