
Topic: Taglines/Names

Title For Tertiary Institute Industry Skills Centr

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
“To be a sustainable( i.e. profitable) provider of skills training that meets the needs of industries and Individuals in obtaining work related, licensed and compliance skills.
We will provide -
• Immediate skills
• Licensing and compliance
• OHS and safety
• Work related skills acquisition
• Short term duration
• Plant and Equipment
• Profitable- sustainable
• Meet Industry and individual needs

We have searched various sources and the words Industry Skills is used alot. One of our mangers likes - Skills Now and Skill Up with the thought to have the word skill to be included. We’d think more broadly as well, to see what else could brought up.
We are in a competitive market and would like the name to still be clear as to what we deliver, however if we can name the centre with a unique title - that would be great!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Learn today for a better tommorrow...

    Special skills for a bigger future...

    What you need for a real career
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry if I was not clear, we need an actual title for the Centre. The working title is the Industry Skills Centre. So the need is for a 'Centre' title.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Industry Skills Centre is good.

    But you could add cachet to the name by using "Institute" instead of "Centre". e.g.

    1. Industry Skills Institute
    2. Industry Training Institute
    3. Industrial Learning Institute
    4. Industry Institute
    5. Institute of Industry Skills and Learning
    6. Industry Education Institute

    Hope something in that list appeals!


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