
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Consulting Firm Needs Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have named it "Zoho Consulting Inc."... Zoho is a Buddhist Zen word which literally means "Hidden Treasure" or "Hidden Potential"
I am thinking of "Unlock your company's potential" or "Unlock your potential"
We will be in the business of management development & skills training, strategic consulting and marketing consultancy services.
What do you guys suggest?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Don't try to be too cute at the risk of saying nothing tangible.
    A business owner may see your marketing materials, and wants to know in a heartbeat what's the benefit to using your services.
    For example: "Management, Strategic, and Marketing Development"
  • Posted by bob on Member
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Jay is absolutely right. Since your name doesn't give people a clue what you do, you need to make sure your tagline does so in no uncertain terms. Don't try to explain the esoteric name. Tell 'em what you do and what benefit you deliver.

    The test of your tagline should be response from your target audience from quantitative research that plays back your positioning statement almost word for word. If you don't get that result, keep trying until you do.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Agreed with all the above.

    I think you have two core business strands:

    "Strategic Management and Marketing" and People
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Whoops... IE8 has trouble with this website!

    Agreed with all the above.

    I think you have two core business strands:

    "Strategic Management and Marketing" and
    "People and Skills Development".

    Trying to combine both will be challenging and might end up muddying the message.

    I have no problem with the idea of saying "Unlock your Potential" but not as a tagline - it's far too vague, bland and non-specific. It's part of a sentence when you're explaining what you do. Not a title, tag or headline.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by simon.gloster on Accepted

    Since your target is business managers owners here are a few. People would like to know what you do for them without you sounding too cocky.

    "We help you reach your management potential"
    "We manage your business-you can too"
    "our business is you"
    "Our Business is your business"


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