
Topic: Taglines/Names

Campain On Performance In Healthcare

Posted by Anonymous on 800 Points
I'm launching an integrated web/advertising/PR/digital campaign that will focus on "what needs to change" in healthcare and highlight key "visualizations" of our installed base that utilized a variety of components or made strides towards the idea of healthcare achieving performance.

The company I work for delivers technology for the healthcare industry and our goal is to achieve thought leadership, mindshare as an IT leader and cultivate a savvy digital identity aligned to the positioning. However, I'm really struggling on what to call the campaign - my preference is to 'brand' the campaign with a concise, actionable tagline that I could use as a theme or even as a point of consistency across the campaign - I've thought of high performance healthcare, something with going digital...ect.

The deliverables of this campaign are 1) mainstream ads, 2) web 2.0 platform, 3) PR & thought leadership tactics, 4) book launch, 5) products
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Underneath all the technobabble (visualizations, mindshare, thought leadership, digital identity), tell me what (specific and tangible) benefits you bringing to the healthcare industry (from their perspective, not yours). Without knowing the benefits, the names you are likely to get will reinforce a vague branding message.
  • Posted on Member
    I'll second Jay's request for info. Also, is the hospital/physician's office the customer? Are you helping the Health Care industry provide better, faster, more complete, cheaper etc. health care?

    Thanks and Good luck!

  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    I too have no idea what your company does from what you said. Are you providing a service or a product? Who are you trying to reach with this? What is the benefit to them?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I now understand it's software and fills specific segments. But you still haven't specified what specific benefits the software achieves. For example, why would someone buy this software (in general)? Why would someone buy this software (from you)? Advanced functionality may or may not be important to your customers (many products are top-sellers because of simplicity not because of do-everything model).
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Thanks for taking the extra time to describe better what it is your company does. Now, back to your original question: what's a good tagline for the campaign?

    Here are some ideas:
    * The Future Of Healthcare Software
    * Boost Your Accuracy. Reduce Your Overhead.
    * Healthcare Software Designed Around Your Workflow
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    If this were my project, I would begin with an in-depth study of the current blogs, webpages and newsletters which target cxos in the healthcare industry. I would find six or seven newsletters, then I would go to the Google advanced search page to see who links to those pages to go more comprehensive list. I would save this list of sites which point to my competitors so that I could later approach these folks to promote my own newsletter.

    I would hold off on trying to position the newsletter until I had a very good understanding of what my competitors were doing.

    Good luck to you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Jen, you've got quite a task in front of you. Jay, and others of course have provided great insight.

    My two cents - with what will happen in DC in the near future (and I am assuming ((Bad Word!)) that you are US based) your best plan of attack is to try and see how what your company can do will help the next President achieve his goals for health care delivery. If your product will not be copasetic with the new initiatives you're not going to make the mark you hope to achieve. If you can tie into what Daschle and others will be designing - you can be out of the gate with a program that lots of providers will want. No doubt there will be some "catch phrases" that you will be able to latch on to.

    Does it tie in with emr?

    Good luck and Merry Christmas!


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