
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am having difficulty creating a tag line to set myself apart from my competition. Although I am like many reputable, good loan officers, I am so different from the mass of bad ones that seem to be everywhere.

I am in sales and my product is home mortgages.

Some things about me:
I quote the bottom line in closing costs and interest rate the first time. There isn't anything for me to "shave" because I already do that out of respect for the person sitting across from me.

I don't add junk fees and I quote the lowest "real world" interst rate with no "hidden" fees or hoops.

I have never quoted (low rate) then switched programs on someone at the last minute claiming their obscure 30 day late from 1989 caused the rate to jump up. This is just nasty. All LO's worth their salt know exactly the interest rate the customer will be paying from within 30 seconds to 5 minutes of the credit being pulled. Everyone is so technologically advanced that to claim not to have that at their fingertips is the beginning of the scam.

My buyers and refinancers see that the quote I give them from the beginning leaves them with no surprises at the closing table when it comes to money. Well, usually sweet surprises because they get money back or need less money than estimated in the beginning.

I am honest, but more importantly sincere.

I work hard to give my buyers and refinancers the best experience I can. Sometimes there is turbulance, but I am good at minimizing it and finding solutions.

I love what I do and couldn't imagine doing anything else.

I tried the tag lines:
Providing mortgage the way they are meant to be.
Providing backyard BBQ fun, one new home owner at a time.

I appreciate your time!
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Cynthia,

    A few off the top of my head:

    No nonsense, just saving cents
    Bottomline Everytime
    No surprises, just confidence
    No dancing around, you get the right deal from the start
    Others promise what we deliver
    See for yourself – fast
    Satisfaction, one homeowner at a time

    Hope this stimulates many more ideas,

    - Steve
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Great post and very complete. You're bringing up memories for me of the years I spent in the mortgage industry as a LO. There were so many who failed to carry the image of honesty. I'll throw a few out there for you but please do not feel any pressure to use them. Maybe they will just serve the purpose of helping you come up with one of your own. Here we go!

    Have your mortgage and enjoy it too!

    Honestly lower because I'm honest

    Bottomlines lower the first time

    I sharpened my pencil

    No hassle I respect your business

    Only one quote (my lowest)

    Cynthia I appreciate you letting me help you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Groan-Free Loans

    No games, just loans

    Honest Loan Appraisals

    Honesty is our Policy

    We'll make you smile!

    The above are just some ideas off the top of my head. While all of the above advice is great, I believe suzan and Thinkmor really touched on some important aspects -you need more than a tagline.

    A few of the taglines above mention something about your character (Honesty is our Policy). While this may not directly state what you do, if the name of your company has the word "loan" in it, no need to repeat it.

    Your real differientiating factor is going to come from testemonials, positioning statements, and spreading this message into everything your own and do (websites, brochures etc.).

    Another way to look at it is: What are you really selling? Just loans? You have already mentioned what is special about your service, so what does this create? An emotion?

    What I'm getting at is perhaps you should focus on what you are actually selling: piece of mind, honesty, savings, happiness, financial assistance (via lower rates), smiles, warm-fuzzy feelings, and so on.

    I hope this helps. Should you require a professional plan and development of your idea while you concentrate on your clients, I am available to assist you. Just click on my name to get my contact info and drop me a line.

    Thank you and Good Luck!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member

    "No one should mess with your mortgage."

    ...or something along those lines!

    - Shelley
    (Don't mess with Texas.)
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi Cynthia,

    how about,

    Home loans, we work to save you money.

    and remember to close this question and award points if you have found these ideas helpful.

    have a nice day


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