
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For A Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have an Electrical Inspection company in New York performing inspections for homeowners and electricians that are required by the municipalities and power companies. I am looking for a slogan to use with my logo. My idea was "knowledge is power" but that may be too vague. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    What is the name of your inspection company? Often times the name and tagline work in concert.

    Why would someone choose your company? What differentiates your company from the competitors.

    Knowing this information will allow us to provide more suitable taglines.

  • Posted on Author
    Answer to questions:

    The name of the company is New York Electrical Inspection Agency.

    Our assets are quick turnaround for inspections, and customers are available to call us on our cell phones throughout the day (other companies only take calls M-F 7am-8am), and we educate customers if electrical installations are incorrect instead of intimidate like the competitors do.
  • Posted on Accepted
    New York Electrical Inspection Agency
    Helping You Meet Standards

    New York Electrical Inspection Agency
    We Approve for Safety

    New York Electrical Inspection Agency
    Advice. Follow Up. Quick Turnaround.

    New York Electrical Inspection Agency
    When Safety Matters


  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    A successful tag line has a few attributes:
    1. Original

    2. Memorable

    3. Simple

    4. Reminds the customer of the functional and emotional benefits (NOT features!)

    5. Brings to mind differentiation versus competitors

    Your initial pick of “Knowledge is Power” is simple and memorable, but isn’t original, doesn’t reflect the functional and emotional benefits of your service, and doesn’t bring to mind what makes you different from your competitors.

    I believe I’m familiar with the type of service you offer. With that in mind, I’ll try to come up with a few benefits that you might bring to a customer:

    Functional Benefits
    1. First and foremost, you remove obstacles from your client’s path. Whether they are buying, building or refurbishing a property, after your service is delivered, they can move onto the next step.

    2. You provide your clients with clarity. You understand municipal codes and their physical embodiment. Not only are the codes convoluted and difficult to understand, but what it looks like when they are implemented properly or improperly is tough to interpret. You provide that.

    3. You bring along your relationships – with municipal officials and tradesmen. The client doesn’t have to hunt down and evaluate these people.

    4. You represent your clients to those in the “food chain.” You can speak the language of the municipal officials and tradesmen.

    5. You are independent in your assessments. The tradesmen are looking to get in and out as fast as possible. The municipal officials want enforce the rules – even when they don’t understand what they are, and don’t want to say they don’t understand. You have no bias and bring about an interpretation that is “practical.”

    Emotional Benefits
    1. Peace of mind – your clients don’t have to worry about things like arguing with tradesmen or municipal officials about their electrical meeting codes. Also, when you’re done, they are able to “get on with things.”

    2. Relief – the customer met the critical milestone

    3. Removed uncertainty – the clients know what lies ahead

    Now for differentiation – what makes you different?
    1. Spending time to make sure your customers understand – fits in with the functional benefits the clients are looking for

    2. Approachability is a good differentiator – your clients have private cell phone contact

    3. Quick turnaround

    OK, now to craft a tag line that represents this:
    1. We remove the hassle and deliver you peace of mind

    2. Because inspections really should be easy

    3. Simple, easy, quick, hassle-free

    You may not like these. I recommend you use them and the others offered by our colleagues with the framework I outline above (with any corrections or additions, since I am not intimate with your business) to brainstorm. After brainstorming a few, survey some past clients and prospects to see how they “test.” If you need help with setting this up, contact me off-forum and I’ll be glad to help.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Ensure Your Electrical Work Is Safe
    Not Just Inspections. Knowledge To Repair.
  • Posted on Accepted
    New York Electrical Inspections
    Sparkling Record in Approved Safety

    New York Electrical Inspections
    Light Years Ahead in Inspections

  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Electrical Inspections with Practical Advice
    Assuring You That the Job is Done Right
    Keeping Contractors Honest
    Quick, Quality Inspection Services
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for the responses. I would like to keep a very formal theme for the tagline and I like the ones I have been received. Thanks.

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