
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name And Catch Phrase For Eclectic Homes Tour

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
The volunteers from our Oregonian nonprofit agency (recycling building materials) (BRING is planning a homes/gardens tour (sort of a salon de refuse) that features ecofriendly projects reusing materials that were bound for scrap. We want to brand our tour (last Sunday in July) and have a catch phrase that will encourage people to buy tickets. Eugene Oregon, home of the University of Oregon and a sort of haven for artists and alternative lifestyles (think San Francisco but MUCH smaller). a lot of artists have remodeled or rebuilt homes here in very unusual ways...we are featuring those in our new project which will hopefully become a yearly event. Your help would be really appreciated...we can't seem to come up with a good name that tells it all. Thanking any responses in advance. Michele
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Recycled Redos
    Ruins to Riches
    Rags to Riches

  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    The Oregon Trail of Treasures
    Home And Again
    Sunday Sojourn
    Remarkable Remodelers

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