
Topic: Taglines/Names

Pls Critique Our Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I need a fresh and updated tagline for a distribution company which is now the tagline is bridging technology for better health.

What we sell is medical equipments and diagnostic products . Pls visit our web at :

Thanks for any input.

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    A tagline isn't something that needs to be changed like your socks. Why do you think you need a new tagline? A tagline is one of the key outputs of your brand strategy. What has changed in your brand strategy and your company that demands you change your tagline? I see that in 2008, you established a medical equipment division. It's not clear that your present tagline conflicts with this.

    Like anything with respect to your brand strategy, the tagline is something that has to have longevity to develop mindshare. Taglines don't go "stale." It's just the opposite. Look at Nike's "Just Do It." It's been a LONG time that they have had that tag line.

    To help come up with a new tagline, please share your motives to wanting to change - in particular, those things in your business and market that make the old one outdated.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Bill Schick on Member
    I feel like you need to back up a bit, and figure out a larger strategy. Your name is a mouthful, and what does it say? The tagline says little, and conveys less. The web site... what is it supposed to do? Hopefully you're not looking for results from search engines... under the hood, it's an SEO nightmare...

    You're a marketing and sales distribution company, but you don't really get that feeling from the site. The tagline is not a magic bullet, and I think you need to take a step back and look at things that are really going to impact your market—as well as get you some serious ROI.

    BTW: i just tried clicking on your Contact Us and Feed Back links. They don't work.
  • Posted on Author
    Wayde and Bill,

    Yes , you both are right. The web lacks of good mechanics of the website , homepage copy is not there also and many other like no tool to build a list and no call to action.

    Wayde , to answer your question why do we need updated tagline is beacuse ... we would like to move to the next level and become a holding company which manages several business units in the future and public listed company in the next 5-10 year period.

    Hope this helps you to better understand why do we need a new tagline.



  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    OK, I understand the motives now. Following up on what Bill and I said earlier:

    Your tag line is an extension of your brand strategy. And your brand strategy, along with product/service strategy, and other strategies, come out of analyzing your customers for their needs, influencers (words and images that move them to a "buy" decision), and to what media sources they go to find information on the kinds of products and services you provide. The analysis covers your competitors and how well they serve the customers' needs and more importantly, where they don't. Then, looking at your core competencies, you decide how you can satisfy the customers' needs better than the competition. This analysis generally followed up by a SWOT analysis. At this point, the strategies are set (including the brand strategy - which covers taglines). Another input to the tagline is your corporate vision and mission. In short, your tagline should concisely convey how you will satisfy customers' needs and tie in with the vision and mission of the company. It should be memorable and represent all this in a few simple words. Examples are: Just do it Nike), We bring good things to life (GE), Quality is Job 1 (Ford), Think (IBM), etc.

    With this new holding company concept, could you share your vision and mission and customer characteristics to assist in building a good tagline?

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Wayde. Our Vision/Goal is 1.To Become A Market Leader in Diagnostic and Medical Industry. 2. To become
    The Most Respected Sales and Distribution Company in 2012.

    And the Purpose/ Mission : 1. To Provide The Premium Products.2. To Deliver on Quality, On Quantity and On Time Customer Service.

    The customers' characteristics , they are 1.Scientific . 2. Open - Minded Medical Doctors and Hospital Directors.3. Knowleadgeable and Scientific.



  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    OK, Paulus, at this point, we start a brainstorming process. We can do that here, but I would suggest you pull together a group there and build on the results here to 1) improve upon the result, and 2) make it "your own." By this, I mean that you should include people there for whom it's important that they buy in on the tagline.

    Versus just throw out taglines, I'm going to take you through my thought process. What comes to mind from your mission is the word "deliver." Also, from your products - diagnostic products and medical equipment, and what they would be used for by your customers, the word, "answers" comes to mind. Your products and equipment give answers. And from your customers, I think of "those who save lives." So here's my first cut:

    Delivering quality answers to those who save lives

    This isn't that good. It's probably too long. It's not all that memorable. It does reflect how you meet the customers' needs and it does reflect your mission. Perhaps others will read this and contribute in the meantime.


    I'll sleep on it and possibly come back with more.

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