
Topic: Taglines/Names

Good Retail Sale Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are trying to come up with a fun name for a sale. We are a junior girls retail clothing chain. our market is 17-22 year olds.

Our sale is
$5 off of $25
$10 off of $50
$15 off of $75

What's a fun name or a fun way to scream this message inside stores and in the store windows?

Some names we came up with are-
Multiple Madness
Ready, Set, Sale!

We saw one of our competitors is having a sale and it's called "the Riot Sale!" and we really liked that.

Just looking for some great, short taglines for our sale. I have to have everything designed and to the printer asap!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Calling a clump of dirt a diamond doesn't make anyone believe it's a gem. Your sale is a straight 20% off. $5 off of $25, $10 off of $50, $15 off of $75, $20 off $100, or $200,000 off $1,000,000. I'm pretty sure that 17-22 year olds can calculate the percentage off. Your issue is not in finding a cutesy, clever name for a 20% off sale. It's how to attract 17-22 yr old girls to buy your product. The solution to attracting 17-22 yr old girls to by your product is to meet their needs better than the competitors, not clever names for ho-hum sales. You might better concentrate your efforts on how to meet the clothing needs of 17-22 yr old girls better than the competition. That will truly make a difference in your business versus clever words.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Meeting the needs involves many things. It involves the designs of the clothing. As I sample the web and look in my Sunday paper, I see many examples of "sales" that are better than 20% off. So what makes your 20% off better than the others? Eye catching graphics and cutesy, clever names will get people to "look" but I don't believe your company gets paid on people looking. I believe they get paid on people buying.

    So why would 17-22 yr old girls buy your product (at a blah-blah 20% off) more than the competition? Answering this will help us to come up with a much better name than "Riot Sale." Otherwise, the thesaurus gives the following synonyms for riot: anarchism, anarchy, brannigan*, brawl, burst, commotion, confusion, distemper, disturbance, flap, fray, free-for-all*, fuss, hassle, lawlessness, misrule, mix-up, mob violence, protest, quarrel, racket, row, ruckus, ruction, rumble, rumpus, run-in, scene, shivaree, shower, snarl, stir, storm, street fighting, strife, to-do*, trouble, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, uproar, wingding.

    For exciting, here are the entries: agitative, animating, appealing, arousing, arresting, astonishing, bracing, breathtaking, commoving, dangerous, dramatic, electrifying, exhilarant, eye-popping*, far-out*, fine, flashy, groovy*, hair-raising*, heady*, hectic, impelling, impressive, interesting, intoxicating, intriguing, lively, melodramatic, mind-blowing, moving, neat, overpowering, overwhelming, provocative, racy, rip-roaring, rousing, sensational, showy, spine-tingling*, stimulating, stirring, thrilling, titillating, wild, zestful.

    Pick any adjective and put it before "sale" and it will be as good as any.

    However, I'd be concerned about it losing you credibility because your sale isn't all that exciting or riotous. It's better to come up with something that really expresses why you are better than your competition.

  • Posted by k.pohlman on Member
    "Get More for Less"

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