
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Tag Line For A Coactive Coaching Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Voice of Assurance is the company name. Coactive coaching is empowering, inspiring, motivating the client to come up with their own path and choices through questions.
My target market is parents of highschool kids that are going to college and don't know what they want to do or women in transition..widowed, divorced or just entering the work force. This is not career counseloring. It is life coaching.
I need this for my marketing info. asap

Thaks so much,
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Develop & Achieve Your Inner Wisdom
    Develop & Achieve Your Inner Voice
    Develop & Achieve Your True Calling
    Start Living Your Life Better.
    Question Your Own Life Purpose
  • Posted by Paul Kemper on Member
    Is there any school of thought you use in your work? Holistic, Jungian? Anything else? That should possibly be a link into your tagline.

    What sets you apart from others in your area?
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I often wonder why people will try to start a business and sell to folks who don't have any money. Altruism is a wonderful thing, but the end of the day, it doesn't pay the mortgage.

    If you do a Google search on coaching, you'll find plenty of folks who coach for those who have money. They provide judging services for executives, sales people, and highly paid individuals.

    I have no doubt that these parents of high school seniors need help, and that women in transition need help. But I would not advise you to lock yourself in at the beginning of such an endeavor by restricting yourself by a company name to selling to those who have no means to pay for your services.

    There is nothing wrong with volunteering and helping our fellow man. But let's not confuse that with a business enterprise. I would suggest you consider making some real money providing much-needed services to those who can afford it, and then you'll be in a better position to provide help to those who cannot afford your services. Good luck to you.
  • Posted on Member
    Hows about...

    Your Life, Planned

    Your Life, As You See It

    Your Life, As it Should Be

    Or something like that?
  • Posted on Author
    I am in training right now and am doing my work for gratis. However, eeventually I have bills to pay and will have to charge.
    Thank you for your help.

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