
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For Home Delivery Ice Cream Company

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I need a help to create tagline / USP for home dlivery ice cream company with target audience -corporate and residence market .


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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    What an interesting and eclectic collection of questions you post!

    When I read your post, this is what immediately came to mind:

    Making the world better one scoop at a time.

    Well, that's what ice cream does for me, anyway! ;)

    I would say your USP is that you deliver it. So putting on my marketing hat and taking off my ice cream hat, here goes:

    Ice cream wherever you are
    Flavors when and where you need it
    Flavors that come to you

    Those are starter thoughts. Perhaps my colleagues here and your colleagues can play with those and come up with something great!

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Building Bridges one scoop at a time.

    Scoop Shuttle

    Wow...this is a hard one....

  • Posted on Accepted
    Ice Cream on Demand
    Frozen treats delivered to your doorstep
  • Posted on Author

    Yes we have here In Indonesia. We market it through telemarketing and do cold calling to those target market. Our turnover is around $ 200.000,00 / month and have around 100.000 customers in our database and 75% of them are repeat customers.

    To cater the market , we employ in - house courir to deliver on time .

    Wayde and Jessica

    Good input to dig deeper.

    Any other input is appreciated!


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