
Topic: Taglines/Names

Develop A Matching Name For My New Company !

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi there fellow-marketers,

I just started my own business a couple of days ago and here I am.. Can't think of THE right name for my business, which is marketing consultancy.

Something about the company - it's primary goal is to help customers generate more profit than they would without my help. Very basic and straightforward, that's what I want to deliver (not basic advice ofcourse :O)).

Hope you can help me to find a matching, unique name.
I am a little hesitant in using my last name, which is gruiters as it doesn't work too well in case I do international work and it doesn't do the trick either when i pick up the phone in dutch (the often mistake my name for the word "free" in dutch).

Hope you can use your magic to create a new name !

Thx a lot in advance


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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi Jacco,

    what do you think of these names:

    * Arrow Consultancy

    * Guru Consultancy

    sorry they are so bad, but i am finding it hard to think as i have only had 4 hours sleep in the last 36 hours (becasue i am finishing a couple of huge assigments for university )

    hope this helps

    have a nice day


  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    A naming company (who I have never used nor even know, just found them on the web) has a white paper related to naming at Covers pros and cons of descriptive names, invented names, experiential names, etc. Seems pretty good.

    You have to add to this the challenges of working in dual languages. I am assuming that English will be your main language used in business? If so, an English name that also works Ok in Dutch would work. If Dutch is youre main language, you may want to focus on a Dutch name and then just confirm that it is Ok in English.
  • Posted on Member
    I think the name

    Solution or Solutions

    works well, but is it as overused in NL as in the US and Italy? is already taken. You could go with

    I definitely think your name should be in English to give your services a more international feel.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Hey Jacco! I got your email the other day, but got sidetracked. My deepest apologies for the delay.

    I'll send over some details of a Euro project that needs a bit of immediate attention and the name og my agent in the UK.

    Plus, I will post on this later on...

    Thanks alot! Talk to you soon!

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi jaccog,

    My first thought:

    Profit & Multiply, A Consultancy Firm

    hope it stimulates more thought,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Jacco, I just love it when people post questions about names. Trouble is, naming your business is almost as PERSONAL as naming your first-born child. In fact, naming my own kid was a LOT easier than naming my two companies.

    I doubt that anyone has ever used a suggestion posted by a KHE Expert. But that doesn't stop us from trying!!

    Whether it's "the right way" or not, I generate ideas by making a list of actions or objects that reflect or engender some quality of what the business is about. That's why I told the KHE member who built practical, sticky websites to call the business FlyPaper Media.

    For your marketing consultancy, action words like JUMP or TURN or IGNITE or ACCELERATE come to mind. So... you could do something as simple as Jump Marketing, Inc.

    I usually love Ricky's contributions here, but I think the word Solution is overused in every industry. (Sorry, Ricky!)

    Is your uniqueness really all about being basic and straightforward?

    Then maybe your name is Straightforward Marketing. Or what is a recognizable, memorable object that's basic and straightforward? How about... Chainsaw Marketing? Or... Turbo Business Advisors?

    I might ponder on this some more, but now you know how the gears turn in my own head. (For this kind of question, anyway!)

    Do me a favor, Jacco, and promise you won't incorporate yourself as something like Accenture, Viant, Sciant, Sysco, Symcor, Simbollik, Cinergy, SynRG or something else equally ludicrous, forgettable, and impossible to write down without getting someone to spell it out loud.

    ¤ Shelley ¤
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Oops, I forgot to CONGRATULATE you on taking the steps to create your own firm!

    May success land squarely on your doorstep.

    - Shelley

    Wait... an idea...

    Doorstep Marketing??

    Square Marketing??

    I'm shutting up now.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    The biggest problem is not just thinking of a name, but thinking of a name that you can actually get registered!

    I had the same problem with my business - I wanted ASP Consulting, but that baby was looong gone... then I came up wth VP consulting, same problem, then I looked at KPMG and thought, OK, four letters works for them... and picked ASVP Consulting which stands for Advanced Strategic Value Propositions. What a mouthful!

    Question - are you providing advice alone, or are you planning to offer marketing services too? I mean, are you maing recommendations as to what the client should do, and leaving them to do it? Or are youtaking some of the recommendations and implementing them and making them happen? If so, you might be better off with a xxx Marketing name, rather than a xxx Consulting type of name.

    Or maybe the name need not specify whether you are a Marketing or Consulting company... Although I think you need to get your brand established before dropping the explanatory words from the name.

    How about...

    Profimatrix Consulting (or Marketing)
    Mokum Consulting/Marketing
    Polder Profits
    (OK maybe getting a bit esoteric here)

    Delta (i.e. the scientific notation for change)

    Hope this is helpful

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Jacco, I'm still leaning toward names that use common actions/objects/concepts to convey your brand value. Let me share some of my favorites that real companies are using...

    A market research firm: HighBeam Research (

    A marketing service and consultancy: BrandSoup (

    And my favorite...
    A public relations firm: LoudMouth PR (, or it USED to be)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Jacco, the folks who started Loudmouth are here in Houston. I met them four years ago and was impressed by their name... but since their website is GONE, their business might be, too!

    Do you want me to look into that? Maybe you could use their name and their URL if it's not active. You might be able to offer them something for the domain, anyway.

    Trademark conflicts might not be an issue if you're a Dutch company. I'm no legal expert, though!

    Go for it! It IS a great name for a marketing firm, whether or not its specialty is PR.
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member
    There are many words that focus on your objectives: Improve, Turn (on, up, over), Manoeuvre, Profits, Maximum, Top, Returns, Business, Money.

    The you could mixed them to find the appropriated brand: Example: MaxFits "Maximum Profits", or MaxTurn "Maximum Return", or MaxBen "Maximum Benefits".


    Juan Carlos
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    TurnSignal Marketing
    Market Juice
    Juice Consulting
    Full Plate Marketing
    Second Helping, Inc.

    ...these ideas are making me hungry...

    Jacco, if anything else comes to mind, I'll be back!

    - Shelley
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Other ideas...

    LineDrive Marketing
    Straight Pitch Marketing
    Big Bucket Marketing
    Pull String Marketing

    Jacco, it's probably time to close this question. On a newly posted question, maybe you can share your short list of favorite names and get "votes" from KHE members.

    It's pretty unlikely that any of these ideas (mine included) will fit you perfectly, but the intention is to INSPIRE you to think of your own biz identity. It'll be fun to see what you come up with yourself!

    - Shelley

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