
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With Name For On-line Kids Boutique

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am planning on starting my own on-line website geared towards children. I currently have one PrettyGirl Bows, but I want to expand to offer more items than just hair bows and headbands. I want the name to be gender neutral too. The majority of what I sell will still be hair accessories for little girls and babies, but I plan to add other things for boys too. A tag line or slogan would be great too! I just don't have that creative bug. I currently have 1 daughter (addalyn aka Addie), but plan to have more. I wish I knew the names of my future kids so I could use them, but I don't. ;0(. Some ideas that I had are already taken, but here they are: bugs and bows, mud pies and pigtails, cutie patooties.
ANy help or suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    NAME "Tag line"

    JUST KIDDING "Fun stuff for kids"

    GIRLZ 'N BOYZ "AmaZing Ztuff for Kidz"

    SPOT'S BOUTIQUE "Where Dick and Jane shop"

    MORE THAN PINK AND BLUE "All colors in all things for all kids"

    - or if you prefer -

    PINK N BLUE PLUS "All colors N all things 4 all kids"

    SUGAR AND SPICE AND SNIPS AND SNAILS "Made for little girls and boys"

    LITTLE 1'S BOUTIQUE "Big selection for little boys and girls"

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    1 Daughter So Far (Accessories)
    Little Kids' Hair Products (& More)
    Top Down Accessories For Kids
  • Posted on Author
    I like the sugar and spice thing, but the snip part doesn't seem to fit. The little 1's boutique is not sounding too bad either. Most of my items are geared toward babies and toddlers, so some names seemed a little 'older' if that makes sense. Thanks for for efforts so far! I truly appreciate it. I would have never thought of any of that. Thanks!
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of. Snips and snails and puppy dog tails - that's what little boys are made of.

    This old saying was the reference for the one name - little girls and little boys. It was just brain storming based on what I thought when I thought about your target.

    OODLES OF JOY "For your bundle of joy"

    PEEK-A-BOO-TIQUE "Just for little ones" (believe it or not, IS available! - GO GET IT!)


  • Posted on Author
    I am really liking the Peek-a-boo-tique. I would like to sit on it for a while and see if it sticks. I wouldn't mind hearing other suggestions from people too. Thanks so much!!
    I get the snips thing now. Thanks!

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