
Topic: Taglines/Names

Re-write Usp Help

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Here is a USP for a speed dating firm

"Quickly make friend with chemistry feeling or receive 2 free events"

Any help in shortening it ?

Thanks in advanced
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Are you looking for USPs - Unique Selling Points - or a tag line? A USP is the internal statement stating why people would purchase your product/service versus the competitors' products/services. For your service, your USP might be: We offer a guarantee (if competitors do not) - two free events if you do not walk away with a friend from one of our events. You use the USP to develop marketing messages consistently so you can attract customers. ONE of the marketing messages you could develop using the USP is your tag line - and it MIGHT incorporate your USP (but not necessarily).

    A tag line is a simple statement that quickly communicates your marketing message. It should be memorable. It should easily communicate what your customers are looking for and motivate them to look further - hook them in. Like Nike's: Just Do It. It communicates an attitude the target customers would like to have when they are doing their sport or leisure activity. "I don't need anything fancy. No nonsense. No thinking. Just do it!" This is probably reflective of Nike's brand personality too.

    From what you have provided, "Quickly make friend with chemistry feeling or receive 2 free events," this is closer to a tag line than a USP. And, if this is supposed to be a tag line, then your assessment is correct: It's too long and not so good. If this is supposed to be a USP, then the length isn't important, since it's an internal statement. It should be as long as it takes to communicate your USP completely. You would hope to have more than one USP. To identify more, we'd have to know more about your service versus the competitors' services. One idea you may want to think about is making the guarantee unlimited - you find a friend or you keep coming until you do. Another might be background checking your clients. I would think it would be valuable that you would find a friend and someone has checked them out and they are "safe" and maybe even they have a good credit history, job, etc. These two things could be good USPs and reasons to choose your service versus the competitions' service.

    For a better tag line, if that is what you mean, you may consider:

    "A new friend, double guaranteed!"
    "Guaranteed friendship without going in blind!" (One of your competitors is the "blind date.")
    "Does your friend's cousin come with a guarantee?"
    "A risk-free friend!"

    I hope this helps.


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    We Guarantee Sparks.
    Meet Someone Special...Guaranteed.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very much!
    Very helpful responses

    Sorry for the confusion, I'm trying to create USP, a marketing message to push prospects to pay for the service


    my competitor and I are no different in services and benefits are similar, so I try to differentiate by offering 2 free events.

    However, I LOVEEEEEEE your idea about offering unlimited guarantee, but I'm afraid that not-so-good-looking guys/girls and short guys will not be able to find their matches easily, in that case this guarantee will waste a lot of money from free drinks, we earn much less since these people take away several spots in the event, our profit will suffer when this number of people keep increasing.

    Is there another way of unlimited guarantee? Or better guarantee you can think of?

    @mmartinmiville, thank you for your ideas, I love this one "Chemistry guaranteed or you receive two fee events"

    Thanks Phil and Jay

  • Posted on Author
    Some other benefits include

    • No string attached event
    • Relaxed environment
    • Meet 15 people of opposite sex in 1 night, in a fun way, face to face, right away
    • Overcome shyness to make friends
    • Improve social skills
    • Complete new fun and comfortable experience than chatting
    • Save a lot of time, no need to keep emailing for weeks, talking on the phone for another week, scheduling a date, then find out he or she does not look like their pictures

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    I understand your "feeling" with respect to the unlimited guarantee breaking the bank. However, I'd recommend you use data to make the decision versus perception.

    When manufacturers offer a rebate, most people never mail it in for their money. While they buy it because the rebate makes the cost look to be less, they really never take advantage of it. Lifetime guarantees are the same way. Manufacturers offer it and it makes people feel good, but when a product breaks a long time down the road, in many cases the owner just throws it away - it's too much bother to send it in and get the money back or a replacement back. It's human nature to avoid rejection. I wonder if after a couple times not finding a friend, those about whom you are concerned may give up. Have you given two free events away for a while? How many people come back twice after being turned away the first time? Do you have data on this? You may want to check this out. The other thing to check out is what percentage of people walk away without a friend. What percentage of revenue would you be losing if you gave a unlimited guarantee? Also, don't forget that the unlimited guarantee may net you increased sales. This may offset the profit loss with the guarantee. As I said, use data to make your decision. I'm not saying that your concerns aren't valid. I'm just saying check out the cost before you make a decision.

    As for the drink cost, give the people vouchers for the drinks the first time and if they come back subsequent times, don't include the drinks.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the quick response Wayde

    You are right, I gotta use data to make the decision versus perception in this case

    I'm seriously considering your idea

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