
Topic: Taglines/Names

Wine Distribution Company Needs A Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Two Partners and myself are setting up a Wine Distribution Company, basically we act as a Middle man between Vineyards and large clients. We need a name or would like feedback on our ideas. Any thoughts on tag lines would be good as well. there is no interaction with individual consumers. We have contracts with high end vineyards that lower tier Distribution Companies do not. I like the idea of a number, only because we would be listed first in trades. It needs to be upscale but not cutesy or snotty. Our Ideas:

3rd Vine
3rd and Vine (not my personal favorite)
Vine 421 ( we started 4/21/09)
St. Amand Wine
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I know this is old fashioned but I would recommend that the word distribution be included in the word.

    The wine and spirts business is crowded with all kinds of people. By adding distribution, your customers (especially the on-premise) will know who you are and what you do.

    3rd Vine Distributing... sounds good
    So does St. Amand Wine Distributing.

    Stay away from Vine 421... it is too close to 420 which is the police term for marijuana crime in progress.
  • Posted on Author
    We have thrown a few other into the hat:

    Vine Meridian
    Blue Sun Wine
    3 Vines

    Any thoughts on these?
    Any Frank thanks for the feedback on the police codes!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    3 WiseMen Wine Disribution
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    We-Three-Kings Wine Agents
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    Why use Bbile ideas... wine has a well known history from miracles to even cute names and descriptions Like Baby Jesus in Velevet Trousers (

    Idiom-like references are already stuck in most peoples memories thats more than half the battle when starting a new business identity... Be Remembered.

    Even if it is different people will talk about you.

    Male or not the idea of the Magi is well know, some say they represent the best and brightest of Europe, Asia and Africa.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all of your help. We decided on 3T Vines, for third tier. We believe it will be easily recognizable within the industry, and is more upscale than most of our competitors names.

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