
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Innovative Enterprise Software Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi, we are in desperate need of a new tagline! My company, FossaTec Business Systems, was created to help companies recover operational dollars through providing a software platform that streamlines an organization’s processes within the convergence of the IT, Facilities and Resource infrastructure.

Our core values center on a sharing accountability with partners to recognize and realize the hidden potential of recovering wasted operational dollars.

FossaTec’s solutions are born from the concept that organizations are spending billions of dollars from a lack of visibility into the unrecognized operational chaos that current solutions fail to completely address.

Our target market includes Directors and VPs of IT, CIOs, Facility Managers, and CFOs.

I appreciate your help!

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  • Posted on Accepted

    Well, you already articulated your value proposition pretty well... you just need to make it a little more tangible: how quickly can a customer expect to get a positive ROI using your software platform? how exactly does it uncover this operational savings? do you have examples of how much companies have saved using your software?

    In the current recession, if you can point to short-term savings using your software (<12 month ROI) then you're in a good position, and should certainly be making the most of it!

    Here are some tagline ideas (if you sell internationally, you may want to change "dollars" to something more universal):

    "Helping our customers recover wasted operational dollars"

    "Do more with less using FossaTec"

    "Stop wasting operational dollars"

    "Stop spending too much on operations"

    "Helping customers save money on operations"

    "Save money on operations with FossaTec"

    My company ( ) provides marketing strategy and support for software companies - feel free to send me a private message if you'd like to know more.

    Joanna Lees-Castro
  • Posted by ajanzer on Accepted
    I like short taglines, I'd try something like:

    Streamlining the enterprise


    Optimizing operations

    Good luck!

    Anne Janzer
  • Posted by jcasalou on Accepted
    Save money, don't waste it

    Stay away from the red with FossaTec (red in bold red font)

    Give your bottom line a lift

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    maybe something like ...

    Isn't It Time to Re-Engineer Your Operations
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Maximizing Complex Business Processes Simply
    Using Technology To Increase Efficiency And Accountability
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    As your potential client, I need to know that you have
    my interests just as close to your heart as you have
    your own.

    Therefore, I need to know that you will share and streamline accountability. Why not simply state the obvious and tell the
    client what they are looking for?


    Streamlining accountability


    Your accountability, streamlined.

    Good luck.

    Gary Bloomer
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Accepted
    You May Try These Out:
    "Optimising Performance(Operations) Consistently"
    "Operations Redesigned"
    "Spend Less,Get More"
    "Operations Are Made Better By Us"
    "Operations Were Never So Good"
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    I'm going to stray a bit from the other responders, and say that you need a more specific tagline. Virtually ALL software reduces operational costs, creates transparency and saves time - that's a given. I would focus more on what the software actually does (in plain language), or on what niche you have expertise in.

    I would recommend staying away from vague adjectives that could be used just as easily to describe any other software company -- e.g. save money and time, reduce risk, make people more effective, etc.

    How about something like:
    IT infrastructure and business goals, aligned.
    Make better business decisions with our enterprise management platform.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Operational money pit? FossaTec Solutions.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Member
    Operational money pit? FossaTec Solutions.

    Good Luck

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