
Topic: Branding

Consumer Electronics - Product Design & Dev

Posted by Lazenby on 400 Points
I am looking for some help to take 2 consumer electronic devices from concept to store execution.

If you have some ideas I would be most grateful for your insights - clint
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    "Consumer electronic devices" is too broad for us to be really helpful. And "from concept to store execution" is a very broad river to cross as well.

    Do you have a business plan? Did you develop the concepts based on consumer research of some kind, or are they just things you think might appeal to some folks?

    It really sounds like you need some fundamental marketing and/or business consulting, not a few snippets of bump-and-run advice on this forum. Let me suggest you post a project in the "Hire an Expert" section of this website. (See link in column at right.) Or contact any of the top experts on this forum for suggestions/recommendations.

    Also you might want to check out the seminar titled Why Most Small Businesses Fail. And don't forget to download the how-to guide that goes with the seminar -- "Avoiding Pitfalls."
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Apple is "insanely great" at taking consumer electronic devices from concept to store execution.

    check out this businessweek article:

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Clint,

    Along with the excellent points above, s'worth bearing in mind the thing these two boxes of tricks will permit people to do. If they, as boxes, are entering an existing niche, what do boxes A and B do that the other boxes in the same category don't do?

    Are your two boxes smaller, faster, smarter, fancier, or easier to operate than your competition? What makes your boxes different? Why are you different? How will box A and box B make me a happier camper, were I to buy them?

    If your two boxes of tricks are new, what do they do that I've never seen before? Delight me. Inspire me. For God's sake, THRILL me!

    Where will said boxes be sold? Which stores? To whom? What's their price point? What's their life span? What are they made of? How will people carry them, use them, abuse them, repair them, upgrade them, and on and on.

    Along the road, who will design them, model them, sculpt them, prototype them, field test them, refine them, and redesign them? How can you improve them, protect them from theft (intellectual copyright and all that). And how long will it be before you see a return on your investment?

    I know these points don't address your question directly, but I do think they're worth considering.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer

  • Posted by Bill Schick on Accepted
    A member of our team developed business channels for Bose products for quite some time. We recently helped a business get into new markets, increasing sales this year 50%. Give us a shout.

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