
Topic: Taglines/Names

Apartments For Luxury Living, Heart Of The City

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
It's a 14 storey apartment building, 3BHK and 4BHK, called The Habitat. Going to have really hi-end amenities for those who can afford to indulge their expensive tastes.

I need to come up with a theme for its brochure. Thought some taglines would help me get a clearer pic of what I need.

Thank you all in advance...
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Are you looking for headlines for the brochure or taglines for the apartment building?

    Some ideas:
    Living Here Isn't For Everyone
    Welcome To The Good Life
    Think Of This Apartment As Your Castle
  • Posted by marketbase on Member
    The Baroche Habitat
    You've Earmed It. Now Live it.
    ...Luxury Living in the Heart of [the City].

    Photos of intergenerational gatherings (grandparents with adult children & grandchildren around the dining table, playing tennis, at the pool, etc...

  • Posted on Author
    Okay, it's just called The Habitat now. Baroque has been dropped from it. As I mentioned earlier, I'm looking for ideas for a brochure. Planning to incorporate page fillers of related taglines and different habitat pix in between write up and pix of various apartment types and rooms.
  • Posted by pghpromo on Accepted
    Hi, Hozannaz,

    Your 5/21 response indicates you are looking for a group of thematically related phrases that you can scatter throughout your brochure, perhaps positioned to introduce specific sections, perhaps not directly related to specific content at all. Either way, the phrases must help create an upscale image of unique exclusivity in the mind of your reader, because these phrases will likely be typeset in such a way as to be scanned readily by the eye even before the body text, right?

    So I was thinking use famous quotes about living well, or about style or living life fully. You can scan various websites for such things, but I would strongly encourage you to corraborate attribution via independent resources. I looked up a few and found most to be wordy such that they might prove unsuitable for this project, but you can still borrow key words from them (or even make up your own) that should do the trick. For instance:
    * Dream always, live now.
    * Life is what you make it.
    * Natural style
    * Live large
    * The art of living
    * Live well. Laugh often. Love much.

    And here are some pithy quotes that might prove useful "as is." Again, confirm attribution independently before quoting these people:
    * "It's a very short trip. While alive, live." (Malcom Forbes)
    * "Live life fully while you're here." (Anthony Robbins)
    * "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." (Helen Keller)

    You can find many more quotes & phrases through various collections. And using historical/literary figures as sources may also lend an air of longevity and stability to your brand. Quoting more modern (especially current) people might lend more of a cutting edge, hi-tech visage to your brand. So, if you do this at all, consider your market & audience first as you determine best selection of phrases & quotes.

    -- Paul
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to all who responded. And a big thank you to pghpromo for your post. Though I won't be using any of the quotes you put down, you have given me a great idea to work on...

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