
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Punchline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
To introduce ourselves we Oman International General Trading LLC are a Sharjah based company mainly dealing in all kinds of Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing material related to construction industry and also looking forward to introduce ourselves in electronics field. We are newly established in this market and expecting a turnover of more than 15 Million AED as per out marketing survey and projects in hand. Besides catering to local market we are looking out to export our product in different parts of Asian countries.

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    The Secret To Why You Should Never Use A Tagline

    Let me provide you with the answer that you really need to help you solve your problem because you are going in the wrong direction.

    What you DON’T NEED is a tagline!

    You don’t need a tagline because taglines don't work and they aren’t designed to do what you want to achieve & that is to get people to do business with you.

    What taglines represent today are mantras or theme's that are corporate catchphrases that serve as a reminder of the purpose that the company wants to achieve. Let me give you an example: Bank of America's tagline is (Bank of Opportunity.) That tagline doesn't apply to their customers, it applies to the employees of the company as a mantra that anyone in the organization has the opportunity to enhance their career inside the company. I’m not against mantra’s that remind everyone in your organization of the overall goal that you have but this isn’t the time for it.

    What you do need is…

    What you want is a powerful & memorable statement that designed to motivate, inspire, & entice the people you are targeting to do business with you. This is called an “Exclusive Promise Statement.” You want you’re your E.P.S. to be so powerful, that once you say it or someone reads it, they immediately want to do business with you. Google’s ‘Exclusive Promise Statement’ was so powerful & inspiring that it led to them getting funding from Sequoia Capital. And as a financial planner you must let your prospects know why they should pick you over every other option for that they have available.

    Your exclusive promise statement must always be summarized in one-line because if you can’t summarize your benefit in one line, the vision of your company or idea isn’t clear and won’t be effective. Let me give you an example.

    1. Google’s Exclusive Promise Statement: “We deliver the world’s information in one click.”

    2. Cisco Systems Exclusive Promise Statement: “We network networks.”

    3. Facebook’s Exclusive Promise Statement: “We help you connect and share with the people in your life.”

    4. Cold Stone Creamery’s Exclusive Promise Statement: “The Ultimate Ice Cream Experience.”

    5. Microsoft’s New Exclusive Promise Statement (possibly): I am working on an exclusive promise statement right now for Microsoft’s consumer (I hate that word) product division that states “We create extraordinary technology for people doing extraordinary things.” And the campaign will go on to tell you & others how they have created tremendous success for themselves by using Microsoft and would replace that horrific “I’m a PC” campaign.

    The 4 Key Components Your Exclusive Promise Statement Must Possess:

    1. Flag who you want: Your exclusive promise statement should target who you are aiming to do business with, especially if you company is new. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make (and that companies all around the world make) is to try and target everyone. If you have multiple targets that you want to attract, then at most, you should select 3 targets but one is ideal.

    2. Tell them the irresistible benefit: You have to quickly tell them the benefit of doing business with you. The business landscape is becoming more competitive than ever and if you don’t quickly tell someone why they should do business with you they are going to leave you and choose to go do business with someone else. We both know they aren’t just searching for you but once you give them a truly dominating benefit of why, they will be attracted to only do business with you.

    3. Give them a reason why they should only work with you:

    4. Your statement should exclusively fit your company & your company only: Finally, your exclusive promise statement should only fit your company & your company ONLY!

    Vanilla statements can be attributed to any of your competitors in the world.

    If you look at Domino’s exclusive promise statement that took them from a small college based pizza store into a billionaire dollar franchise, was extremely specific. “Fresh hot pizza delivered to your doorstep in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” No other company at the time could duplicate that.

    That exclusive promise statement took them from being an obscure company into an international success. You may not want to have an international powerhouse but you do want to be positioned so well in the marketplace that companies are seeking you out first in droves to do business with you.

    If You Need More Help?

    I would love to learn more about your company & create an exclusive promise statement for you & help solve some other branding & strategic problems you facing. I invite you to either email me at [Email address and phone number deleted by staff] and we can have a short conversation to help you. I just don’t want to throw out an exclusive promise statement & don’t know what you want to achieve.

    Hope I’ve helped you tremendously,

    Master Business Strategist
    Ian J. Dunlap
    Visionary. Innovator. Genius.
    [Phone number deleted by staff]

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