
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Payroll Outsource Company

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points

I need to have a clever catchy tagline for a flyer to promote our payroll outsource and payslip sales company. Any ideas would be great. We also offer payroll administrator training, which would be advertised on a seperate flyer, so a tagline for that would also be appreciated. I am extremely non-creative, so help would be great.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: it sounds like you're looking for a headline for advertising, rather than a tagline that captures a key benefit of your company)

    Got Payroll?
    Payroll Headaches Solved
    Simplify Your Payroll Administration
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted

    We cut the checks; your employees get paid.
    So you can get back to doing business.

    [Graphic: use a blank company check format (phony of course; for both visual and text components]

    Good luck
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Payroll it forward.
    Let us show you the way to a better payday.
    We answer the mayday on payday.
    The Payroll Professionals

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