
Topic: Taglines/Names

Interim Slogan/tagline When Rebranding

Posted by delgazzar on 500 Points
Hello gurus,

We are currently going through a rebranding strategy - a little history here - we are an event housing management company, and we merged with one of our top competitors, both very well known in the meetings and conventions industry. We provide personalized services to all event participants going to the 200+ shows that we help manage not only domestic but also internationally.

And we're looking at doing some sort of tagline in the interim until our rebranding is complete - perhaps have both logos to show the merge and a tagline that implies rebranding in progress..launch in december?

Anyone have a good name for us as well? Again we are in the event housing or management business, providing customized solutions from personalized services to top notch housing management software to help our planners and event participants simplify managing all their travel to any meeting they are going to.

Thanks, D
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If you want to combine names, Travel Ambassadors could work simply.

    A temporary tagline: Our Great Event Is To Your Benefit
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Perhaps two Logos as wheels ... of the same bicycle; working together, .... traveling in the same direction, effortlessly.

    Temp suggestions

    Name: OnCue Events Management


    Proven Hosting Solutions For You.
    Simple Elegant Costeffective
    Geared to fit your needs.
    Well coordinated already.
    Training-Wheels Free for years
    BiPedal Events our specialty
    Your International Management Vehicle
    Cutting through traffic better than ever.
    Managing Travel Pressures For You ...

    different but eyecatching concept for all cultures ...


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Delgazzar,

    Travel Technology Group and Ambassadors, eh? Housing, hmm?

    Why not make something of two companies coming together under one roof? (Apologies to anyone who might have already come up with this, I've only scanned through the previous entries.)

    Without some form of roof under which to meet, your people will all be meeting in the open air, (which could put the skids under the a/v side of things in the rain!).

    So "Under One Roof" (or something of the like) would make sense, create a connection, and stamp out any squabbles about which name goes first.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Member
    "Managing Your Events, Always"
    "The Power Of Two" or "Both"
    "Events Designed and Managed"
    "For The Unforgettable Moments"
    "Best Events Is Our USP"
    "We Understand Your Desires"


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