
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Naming Our New Salon/photo/retail Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Ok need just a bit of help with this one.
We (Heather&Nikita) are opening a new business in downtown Grants Pass, Oregon. We will be upstairs overlooking the town above a toyshop in a historic building. Currently Heather owns a salon called The Loft but she is leaving to do her own thing (she also is a photographer and jewelry maker), and Nikita is a photographer.

In our new space we will offer Retail (clothing&accessories) along with a gallery and photo studio, and a hair salon.. Its a mix of things and we are having a hard time with the name.

We really would like to avoid using our names, and we also dont want it to sound boring. We have stayed away from traditional names that actually describe what we do, in order to find something fun that causes curiosity among our customers.

One that we liked was *HARP* it would stand for Hair.Art.Retail.Photography

we arent 100% with it, so we are here asking for you to help us!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    As Randall points out you haven't been clear about exactly what you're offering in this space over the toyshop, but the first thing I thought of was "Look Good Naked" - the TV program with Carson Cressley.

    You could offer programs that offer a total makeover service - hair & make up, wardrobe and then photography.

    I'd drop the "HARP" idea - communicates nothing to the target prospect.

    Instead focus on what you do. If it's makeovers, say so.

    I'd like to hear about how you plan to integrate these services and products on offer - because getting people upstairs is always a huge, huge challenge in most retail environments.
  • Posted by burnberg on Member
    The Cut Above: Art in person and for personal spaces

    The Higher Ground: A Cut Above the Rest
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Rogue Women
    Rogue Ladies' Gallery
  • Posted on Member
    I envision a cool brand going along with the HARP idea. I would spell it H.A.R.P. and create a logo/signage with 4 icons in a square or shape so that people can easily recognize what you've got going on. The other idea I have is UP 2 U or something like that. Because it's up to the person to invest in themselves and your upstairs.

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