
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
looking for help with tagline for a change in my business. I want to teach women how to remodel or improve their home with the help of other women. Something along the lines of having a remodeling party.The most expensive things are what we want to teach them how to do themselves or with the help of other women. Women usually think that they can't do something that men are doing. I can do anything a man does except have sex with a woman. I've showed about 50 women that they can hang drywall, install a hardwood floor, hang a door, install windows and siding. In todays world people can't afford or don't want to spend their life savings to get things done. Example, I had a customer wanting hardwood floors installed the big box store wanted $13000 just for the labor, the materials were $4500. I told her to get the materials and her and I would fine 3 other women who wanted to learn how to install hardwood floors. I charged her $5000 for the tools and expert assistance and advice. It took 4 days and we had a blast. I told her if she helped with other women projects she could get a refund of $2500 if she put in 32 hrs. helping other women do projects at their home through my business. I also teach classes on home improvements and remodeling for women.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Some ideas to play with:
    * Who Needs A Man?
    * We Are Women. Let's Remodel Together.
    * Remodel Your Home. No Men Required.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'm not sure how coming up with a new tagline will facilitate a "change in [your] business." The concept is a neat one, but don't overestimate what a tagline can or will do for you.

    Let's start with the name of the business: what is it? We would not want to repeat the benefit message expressed by the name in your tagline. It might also help if we know WHERE your target audience lives; it may be a good idea to reference it in the tagline (if you don't already do so in the name).

    I think Jay's suggested direction is probably right. Your target audience is clearly a bit feminist and will respond to the "no man required" appeal. His first suggestion, though, ("Who needs a man?") will only work if the the company name includes the word "remodel." Otherwise it sounds like you're trying to dump your husband!
  • Posted on Author
    My current business name is Priority one savings. I use home is priority one savings. I just don't like it for this concept, So, I'm trying to figure out a new name too
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Member
    "Women Unleashed To Re-model"
    "Men Are From Mars"
    "Help Each Other"
    "We Rule Everywhere"
    "Tough Beautiful Women"
    "We Create The Change"

  • Posted on Member
    "Who Needs A Man" and "No Man Required" made me laugh, but do you want to be bashing men, really?

    For a new business name:

    DIY Home Improvement Collective for Women
    DIY Home Improvement Network for Women

    Tagline: No HandyMan Required

  • Posted on Member
    How about Handywomen for a name? And I like ssherman's suggestion of DIY Home Improvement Network for Women.

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