
Topic: Taglines/Names

Consumer Food Product - Name And Taglines, Usa

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
We need a brand name and support statements!

Introducing nationally consumer breakfast item that provides a convenient on-the-go method for eating oatmeal.

These "heat n eat" frozen Oatmeal Wraps are made with Steel Cut oatmeal. Flavors include plain and brown sugar. (patented and proprietary process)

We have various names in place such as Smart Wraps, Oatmeal Wraps, On-the-Go Wraps, and Cereal On-the-go Wraps.

The item looks like a frozen burrito and is filled with our spreadable oatmeal. Microwaves or cooks in oven.

We are looking for that ideal name that not only describes the item but can also work as the brand.

Also, we would be interested in strong taglines or slogans to support the brandname and product.

Thank you for your ideas and creativity!

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    maybe ...

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Name ideas:
    * Breakfast Wraps
    * Hearty Wraps
    * Amazing Grain Wraps

    Tagline suggestions:
    * Steel Yourself For Breakfast
    * It'll Bowl You Over
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    It's new... PORRIDGE ON A STICK!


    Porridge Popsicle.

    I am reminded of the Ben Stiller movie where Jack Black becomes a Multi millionaire by inventing pudding in a tube. Yeargh.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    I've been thinking further about this.

    What problem is frozen oatmeal wraps really solving?

    Is there any research pointing to the fact that oatmeal sales are down due to the absence of a convenient on-the-go method for eating oatmeal?

    Don't muesli bars fill that niche opportunity well enough?

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