
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help With A Name For My Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi i need desperate help please! i am currently in business as a exclusive vip beauty therapist, marketing myself too high end clients, including celebrities, spots people, business people ect. I am also a make up artist, i cover every aspect of beauty and spa treatments, i am also a holistic therapist as well as a higly trained professional make up artist, i have been in the business for 9 years now, im looking for a new edgy, unique, catchy name something a bit different ive tried some names but i just cant come up with a good one, and i want a name i can use in my logo and marketing.
if you guys have any ideas i would be sooooo apreciative.
any! ideas would be welcome.
many many thanks
donnamarie davidson x
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Donna Marie,

    Can I ask you a question? What are your goals for changing your name? I'm assuming you have a name already and a number of steady clients. Have any of them gone away from you because your name is not edgy enough? Companies undertake name changes or rebranding with great care and hard thought. They avoid it at all cost if they can because it costs a lot in development of new collateral material, first, and more importantly, they risk losing present customers. When they do rebrand, it’s by using a detailed process and it takes years.

    You’re a high end service provider. Edgy isn’t required for these kind of business. Look up and down Rodeo Drive. You’ll find many businesses that have very plain names. They rely on skill, quality, and reputation, not edgy names. If you are trying to increase sales with this move, I’d advise you to look at developing a marketing strategy and business strategy versus just changing your name. In particular, look to referral marketing – drive the referral process with your present clients. That will get you much further than changing your name.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Donna,

    You are asking a very open ended question.

    I certainly would not base my future on someone pumping out a name from your description.

    I would assume you would want to latch onto something glamorous as that is your clientele and target market.

    One word names seem to be the rage for this type of thing

    Give it some serious thought. Take those thoughts and bounce them off your clients. Trust me, they will not mind.

    Protect your future

    Hope that helps


  • Posted on Author
    hello, thank you for both of your fantasic comments,
    i may have to change my question as obviously there is not enough information in to explain why i want this name.

    the reason i want this name is because i have'nt got one!
    my name for my business is just my name and it was actually one of my clients, (well a few actually) that advised me to mabe create a new name,
    im thinking of branching out you see and i think it is about time i had a real name for my business, so i can design my brochures better, and like i say i want to branch out into a few things which i cant actually say.

    all my clients are aware of this and they all agree its a good idea, it will not take me years as i already have a great graphic designer on baord as well as a award winning photographer, (all being great familly and friends).
    so im all ready too go its just i really cannot think of a name!
    and the way my kind of business is run is by word of mouth because of the clientelle, i do not advertise becasue i want to keep myself exclusive to my clients, and it has worked well so far.

    the places where my name will be shown are simply on brochures for clients, info, and like i say ohers areas.

    i do love the idea of the one word name however, that is good, its just comming up with one.

    take this question as a fun thing! i have thought it through and im just looking for peolple to give me random names and in those might be the one for my business :)
    im a kind lighthearted person and thats the way i look at life! its worked so far :)
  • Posted by connors on Accepted
    Is your name Donna Marie? I think it's important to use your name (there's equity in that) and then add something to it if you feel you want that zing. Share your name please (if you like that idea!)
  • Posted by connors on Member
    Sorry, there's more! what do people know you by? Donnamarie and your last name? Would they recognize Donnamarie alone? (Is your first name one word or two?)
  • Posted on Author
    hi! yes my name is Donnamarie all one word! :) and yes they all ready know me as that my full name is Donnamarie Davidson xx
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    ...or, use your initials (DM) as your name (or logo, if you're following Phil's good advice).

    Other ideas:
    * Visage
    * Beauté
    * Glow
    * Attirez
  • Posted by connors on Member
    Phil wrote exactly where I was going with that. There is equity in your name! The only thing I'd suggest is that if you are known by your first name Donnamarie (like Cher), to perhaps come up with something to say what you are known for that you bring to people, like
    Donnamarie's Edge (your word! Edgy). with a tagline that states what you do. Otherwise I'd use your entire name with a tagline.
  • Posted on Author
    thanks for all the advice guys, i have a good think on it! i do think using my name is a good idea but i woukd like something else with it, you have metioned that i have equity with my name, thing is like i said before i dont advertise myself im word of mouth but as things are changing and i branching out i woukd really like a new name for that area :s its just so hard too come up with a classy name that is eyecatching and relates to what i do :s x
  • Posted on Author
    in all respect phil you really must not know the beauty industry or anything that goes along with it if you are saying that classy really has nothing to do with name picking, and if you read, i have said i want to use my name but with something classy alongside it something meaningful, i have worked in this industry for over 9 years now and there are many 'classy' meaningful names, however i would like one thats unique!

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