
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Auction Site Needs A Tagline That Grabs You!

Posted by EllenSimes on 500 Points
Your help is appreciated.

I am starting an auction site for shoes only (think Ebay for shoes). It is an unusually long name for a website but it works for my purposes. Need a tagline that grabs attention, is snappy, and makes sense even without the website name as a stem.
I have brainstormed several - but none is quite right...

Here is what I have in the order from what I like most to least to give you a sense. The first two are the ones I like best but I am concerned that some people will see the first one as "demonic" may sound silly, but I some people may feel that way. I like the second one, but it is long, and the website name is long - I am concerned about a long website and a long tagline.

Sell your soles
Going Once, Going Twice....SOLED!
finding new homes for lost (unwanted) soles
Step Into A New Pair of Shoes
let someone else wear it!
share your shoes
sell your shoes here
free your soles
find one that does
Sole Survivors

New ideas ( the perfect idea) is greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by bill.hall on Accepted
    I think you should concentrate on the "shoe lover" vs. the people who are getting rid of shoes - since it is a two way transaction. So even though you buy and sell, it really is a central home for shoe lovers.

    So how about "The shoe lovers online auction site."

    Says it all and appeals to buyers and sellers.

    I am concerned about the if the shoe doesn't fit. That is slanted towards the person selling, but what about the buyer? A shoe not fitting is not appealing to the buyer. Does that person use the same site? If so, I would change the URL. Hope that helps!

  • Posted on Member
    why not have a randon script that changes soul quotes to sole quotes. like “What can you ever really know of other people's sole" C.S.Lewis. See:
  • Posted by EllenSimes on Author
    Bill - Thanks for the valuable thoughts about shifting the audience. I can see your point. I am working on a way to address that but still feel that the website name fits my needs for many reasons. Shoe lover is an interesting way to go - but it doesn't "grab me".

    Neil - great idea- thanks and would be cool to add to the site. But I don't see that as a tagline identifying the brand - I see that as a cool add-on.

    Thank you for the responses. I'm going to hang in there for a tagline that grabs me.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We're a Shoe-In For Best Selection
    One, Two Buckle New Shoes
    Where The Feet Have It!
    Put Your Best Shoe Forward
    ..Find A Better Pair
  • Posted by Red Plume on Accepted
    Hi, Ellen,

    My favorite is the “Going Once...” You're right, it may be too long in conjunction with the website name, but it's the best one out of the other long suggestions. Ha, funny perspective on the “Sell Your Soles.” If you're not comfortable with that perception, definitely don't use it. But if you do, “Soles for Sale” may work better.

    Other ideas:
    Shoes Redo
    Second Change for Shoes
    Shoe Salvation
    Shoe Style for Sale
    Bid on Your Soles (along the “demonic” line, too)

    Hope this helps. Best of luck!

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Your name can say it all.
    Now sell or entice them with a benefit of something unique.....price, style, fashionable rarities, collectibles, theatrical stories, good feelings, exotic travel one store.

    Calling all Imeldas.

    Spirits Lifted Daily.

    More 'Smiles Per Gal'.

    Not Just For the Well Heeled.

    A Vacation For Your Feet & Purse.

    Redux For Less Bux.

    No Shoe Before Its Time.

    Secret Life of Shoes Exposed!

    CastAways Rescued Here!

    The WellShod Bod Shops Here.

    Diamond Miners At Work!

    You Know. It's About More Than Just The Shoes!

    Bad Pedicures Cached For Less.

    The Thrill of The Indoor Hunt.

    Walk This Way.

    New Shoes For the Whole Cruise.

    The Sole Effect Is Very Personal.

    G-Strings For Your Feet.

    Open Toe, Open Back, Open Sesame!

    I'm having too much fun, hope you have a blast too!

  • Posted by EllenSimes on Author
    Loving all the creativity and really appreciate the ideas - am forwarding on to my team and will make a decision in a day or so. You are all terrific! Fabulous ideas and perspectives. Thanks so much.
  • Posted by EllenSimes on Author
    Thank you all for your help, ideas and fast responses.

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